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Can an artificial kidney finally free patients from dialysis?

Risk Factors Of Chronic Kidney Disease

Scientists at UC San Francisco are working on a new approach to treating kidney failure that could one day free people from needing dialysis or having to take harsh drugs to suppress their immune system after a transplant. They have shown for the first time that kidney cells, housed in an implantable device called a …

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Artificial pancreas reduces disease management burden for people with diabetes

Artificial pancreas reduces disease management burden for people with diabetes

Type 1 diabetes affects 46.3 million people worldwide, and the number of people affected increases by about 3% each year. It requires careful calculations of insulin needs and bothersome daily injections to avoid peripheral diseases caused by extremes of high or low blood sugar. Automated insulin delivery systems, also called artificial pancreases, make diabetes management …

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No more flu for you? Discovery blocks influenza virus' replication in cells


It happens every year, especially in winter. A virus saunters into your wide-open respiratory tract, worms its way into lung cells, and, next thing you know, you’re lying in bed with a fever, aches, and chills — classic symptoms of influenza, or flu. Research led by UC Riverside bioengineers may help stop that cycle. The …

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Regrowing cartilage in a damaged knee gets closer to fixing arthritis

Regrowing cartilage in a damaged knee gets closer to fixing arthritis

UConn bioengineers successfully regrew cartilage in a rabbit’s knee, a promising hop toward healing joints in humans, they report in the 12 January issue of Science Translational Medicine. Arthritis is a common and painful disease caused by damage to our joints. Normally pads of cartilage cushion those spots. But injuries or age can wear it …

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The 2019 Longevity Forum & The 150 Year Life

The 2019 Longevity Forum & The 150 Year Life

Leaders in the anti-aging and longevity sector have gathered at the annual Forum being held in London, and are several days into discussing topics such as the message that people may soon be living up to 150 years, as well as to promote the dialogue and test ideas of the future, with the mission to …

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Nanoparticle Targets Tumor Infiltrating Immune Cells

Nanoparticle Targets Tumor Infiltrating Immune Cells

Vanderbilt University bioengineers have made a breakthrough in penetrating cells inside tumors and activating a switch that tells them to start fighting, as published in the journal Nature Nanotechnology. Scientist recently won a Nobel Prize for work unleashing the ability for the immune system to eliminate tumor cells making great strides in immunotherapy’s fight against …

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The Future is Bright for Bio-Materials: The Next Big Wave in the Fight for Better Healthcare

The Future is Bright for Bio-Materials:  The Next Big Wave in the Fight for Better Healthcare

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering, define “biomaterial” as any natural or synthetic substance that may be used in medical science to improve or replace damaged tissue or a biological function. These materials may come from almost anything from anywhere. They may come from organs or …

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Painless Patch For Management Of Type 2 Diabetes

Painless Patch For Management Of Type 2 Diabetes

National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering have devised a biochemically formulated painless patch of dissolvable microneedles to be used in the management of type 2 diabetes. The formula composed of mineralized compounds in it respond automatically to manage glucose in blood chemistry. Researchers have been able to demonstrate proof of concept in studies with …

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Smart Nanofibers as Dialysis Replacement

Smart Nanofibers as Dialysis Replacement

A composite mesh removes uremic toxins from patients with kidney failure. There is a need to develop a simple, cheap, and accessible method of treating patients with kidney failure, especially in resource-limited environments such as disaster areas and the developing world due to the inaccessibility of conventional hemodialysis treatments.  Koki Namekawa, from the International Center …

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Silk for Surgery

Silk for Surgery

Pure silk protein derived from silkworm cocoons is engineered into promising devices for surgical repair of broken and fractured bones. It is commonplace today for the surgical repair of broken or fractured bones to employ metal fixation systems comprised of alloy-based screws and plates.  However, metal devices may have disadvantages: Because they are stiff and …

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