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The Oral Microbiome and Sex Hormones

The Oral Microbiome and Sex Hormones

Most of us realize that microbes contribute to the state of our health in a major way. Healthy microbiomes or bacterial colonies contribute valuable short-chain fatty acids, vitamins, and immune system protection. Disordered microbiomes are reflected in oral health. Periodontal diseases, gingivitis, plaque formation, and tongues coated with white candida colonies illustrate that the microbial …

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A Decisive Pinch Of Sugar


In Gram-negative bacteria, which include some of the most devastating human pathogens, just two mechanisms for the export of polysaccharides have been identified so far. Now a Max Planck research team led by Lotte Søgaard-Andersen has identified an entirely novel third mechanism for how polysaccharides are exported. These findings pave the way toward a complete …

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The Bacteria Powering A Truly Green Revolution In Personal Electronics

The Bacteria Powering A Truly Green Revolution In Personal Electronics

Image: A biofilm-powered sensor, on the neck, that measures the mechanical signal of swallowing. Credit: Liu et al., 10.1038/s41467-022-32105-6 Researchers at the University of Massachusetts Amherst recently announced that they have figured out how to engineer a biofilm that harvests the energy in evaporation and converts it to electricity. This biofilm, which was announced in …

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Visible light triggers molecular machines to treat infections

Study Adds to Evidence That Most Cancer Cells Grown in a Dish Have Little in Common Genetically with Cancer Cells in People

According to a news release, the latest iteration of nanoscale drills developed at Rice University are activated by visible light rather than ultraviolet (UV), as in earlier versions. These have also proven effective at killing bacteria through tests on real infections. Six variants of molecular machines were successfully tested by Rice chemist James Tour and …

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Study: Taller Adults May Be At Increased Risk For Colorectal Cancer

More young adults are getting colorectal cancer — So why won’t insurance pay for screenings?

A new meta-analysis, or data examination of several independent studies, by Johns Hopkins Medicine researchers, adds to evidence that taller adults may be more likely than shorter ones to develop colorectal cancer or colon polyps that can later become malignant. While the association between taller height and colorectal cancer has been previously investigated, the Johns …

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Stopping Tooth Decay Without Killing Beneficial Bacteria

Gum Disease Tied to Yet Another Deadly Illness

It seems as if oral bacteria are just waiting to spring into action the very moment that the dental hygienist finishes up working on your teeth. When you eat sugar or other carbohydrates it helps the bacteria to quickly rebuild the tough and sticky biofilm and produce acids that corrode tooth enamel leading to cavities. …

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Could CBDs Be A Next-Gen Antibiotic?

Could CBDs Be A Next-Gen Antibiotic?

Admittedly there is still a lot of research to be done, as well as a lot of stigma and false propaganda to purge, but cannabis may well go down in history as one of the most flexible, functional and medicinal plants in history. To add to the multitude of growing uses for the natural plant …

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Hard To Heal Wounds

Hard To Heal Wounds

Hard to heal wounds come in many different sizes, shapes, locations, and have many definitions of hard to heal based on underlying etiology of the wound, in practice it’s any wound that has not healed within a timely fashion, which is often due to lack of coordinated care with many patients receiving multiple courses of …

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Cranberry Juice Fights Bacterial Infections

Cranberry Juice Fights Bacterial Infections

As compared to whole cranberries, cranberry juice is effective at preventing biofilm formation, the precursor to infection. Cranberries are a rich source of proanthocyanidins, a type of antioxidant flavonoid, and some previous studies have suggested that the compound lends cranberry juice its infection-fighting properties.  Terri Camesano, from Worcester Polytechnic Institute (Massachusetts, USA), and colleagues have …

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