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No batteries? No sweat! Wearable biofuel cells now produce electricity from lactate

Wearable Fitness Monitors Useful In Cancer Treatment

Wearable electronic devices and biosensors are great tools for health monitoring, but it has been difficult to find convenient power sources for them. Now, a group of scientists has successfully developed and tested a wearable biofuel cell array that generates electric power from the lactate in the wearer’s sweat, opening doors to electronic health monitoring …

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Sweat Powered Electronic Skin Human Machine Interface

A Newly Discovered Organ May Be Under Your Skin

Skin helps us to experience the world around us, from sensing temperature, pressure to pain or pleasure the nerve endings in skin can tell us a lot. Skin can also tell those around us about us as well, from a mom checking our forehead for fever, a date seeing us blush, and those at the …

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Sugar Powered Sensor To Detect Disease

Pursuing Disputed Approach To Aging Diseases: GDF11

An Implantable biofuel powered sensor has been developed by researchers at Washington State University that runs on sugar and can monitor biological signals within the body to help detect, prevent, and diagnose diseases, as published in the IEEE Translations of Circuits and Systems journal. Researchers have demonstrated a unique integration of the biofuel cell with …

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