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Injectable Hydrogel Mitigates Damage To The Heart

Injectable Hydrogel Mitigates Damage To The Heart

According to research published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology: Basic to Translational Science, an injectable hydrogel can mitigate damage to the right ventricle of the heart with chronic pressure overload. The FDA approved an investigational new drug application for the Emory and Georgia Tech researchers to begin a clinical trial in …

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This groundbreaking biomaterial heals tissues from the inside out

Progesterone and the mTOR Aging System

A new biomaterial that can be injected intravenously, reduces inflammation in tissue and promotes cell and tissue repair. The biomaterial was tested and proven effective in treating tissue damage caused by heart attacks in both rodent and large animal models. Researchers also provided proof of concept in a rodent model that the biomaterial could be …

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New Method of Spinal Cord Tissue Repair

Untapped Potential Of Stem Cells Could Aid Repair Of Spinal Cord Damage

A unique new material developed at the University of Limerick in Ireland has shown significant promise in the treatment of spinal cord injury. The research conducted at UL’s Bernal Institute — published in the journal Biomaterials Research — has made exciting progress in the field of spinal cord tissue repair. New hybrid biomaterials developed at …

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Bioengineered cornea can restore sight to the blind and visually impaired

Bioengineered cornea can restore sight to the blind and visually impaired

Image: The implant resembles the human cornea and is made of collagen protein from pig’s skin. Credit: Thor Balkhed The study jointly led by researchers at Linköping University (LiU) and LinkoCare Life Sciences AB has been published in Nature Biotechnology. The promising results bring hope to those suffering from corneal blindness and low vision by …

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It’s All In The hiPS


Many people have experienced the struggles of dealing with low back pain. A common cause of this pain is degeneration of intervertebral disks (IVDs), which are located between the vertebrae and help give the spinal column its flexibility. Thus, IVD degeneration can lead to more serious conditions such as spinal deformity. In a recent article …

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Synthetic Tissue Repairs Hearts, Muscles, And Vocal Cords

Stickers May Save Lives

Combining knowledge of chemistry, physics, biology, and engineering, scientists from McGill University develop a biomaterial tough enough to repair the heart, muscles, and vocal cords, representing a major advance in regenerative medicine. “People recovering from heart damage often face a long and tricky journey. Healing is challenging because of the constant movement tissues must withstand …

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A new wave of regenerative medicine born in movies

A new wave of regenerative medicine born in movies

3D printed tissue could be used to treat neurodegenerative disorders, brain, and spinal cord injuries Self-assembling nanofibers bundle together to form superstructures attractive to neurons The smart biomaterial allows 3D printing with neurons to create brain-like tissue architectures in vitro The tunable bioactivity and advancements in 3D printing support a wide range of potential biomedical …

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Superstructures formed by ‘walking’ molecules could help create neurons for regenerative medicine

Superstructures formed by ‘walking’ molecules could help create neurons for regenerative medicine

3D-printed novel biomaterial mimics properties of living tissues: Self-assembling nanofibers bundle together to form superstructures attractive to neurons The smart biomaterial allows 3D printing with neurons to create brain-like tissue architectures in vitro The tunable bioactivity and advancements in 3D printing support a wide range of potential biomedical applications for the material  Imagine if surgeons …

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