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DNA robots designed in minutes instead of days

Virus Sized Transistors

New software will allow creation of more complex devices Someday, scientists believe, tiny DNA-based robots and other nanodevices will deliver medicine inside our bodies, detect the presence of deadly pathogens, and help manufacture increasingly smaller electronics. Researchers took a big step toward that future by developing a new tool that can design much more complex …

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Biomolecular Condensate Research Is Gaining Momentum

Biomolecular Condensate Research Is Gaining Momentum

Biomolecular condensates are membrane-less organelles made up of molecules that perform various functions within the cell. These membrane-less organelles form liquids in the cell separate from the cell’s cytoplasm, and they may be a key component to understanding how cells function and malfunction.  Face Medicines is the third company in recent months to join in …

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