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What Can 3D Printing Bring to Medicine in the Next 5 Years?

What Can 3D Printing Bring to Medicine in the Next 5 Years?

3D printing is already disrupting the manufacturing industry. It is revolutionizing the automotive and aeronautical industries. And it is slowly redefining patient-specific care in the field of medicine.  In fact, there’s a good chance that what we believed as science fiction will be our reality in the next 5 years. Experts are already predicting that …

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Printing Human Body Parts: Bio-Ink Drops Showing Promise for Regenerative Medicine

Printing Human Body Parts: Bio-Ink Drops Showing Promise for Regenerative Medicine

Printing of human body parts may seem like it’s science fiction to some individuals, but it is rapidly becoming a technology of science reality.  A method of making bioink droplets to stick to each other using an enzyme driven crosslinking method has been developed by researchers from Osaka University that increases the range of cell …

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