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New urine-based test detects high-grade prostate cancer, helping men avoid unnecessary biopsies

New urine-based test detects high-grade prostate cancer, helping men avoid unnecessary biopsies

Researchers at the University of Michigan Rogel Cancer Center have developed a new urine-based test that addresses a major problem in prostate cancer: how to separate the slow-growing form of the disease unlikely to cause harm from more aggressive cancer that needs immediate treatment. The test, called MyProstateScore2.0, or MPS2, looks at 18 different genes …

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A step towards clinic-ready patient-derived organoids

A step towards clinic-ready patient-derived organoids

Pancreatic cancer has the highest mortality rate of all major cancers and is projected to become the second-leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the United States by 2030. It is especially difficult to treat because pancreatic tumors grow so quickly and are constantly evolving, making them prone to developing drug resistance. Patient-derived organoids could change …

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Researchers improve blood tests' ability to detect and monitor cancer

CEO Says COVID-19 Antibody Testing Is A Disaster

Tumors constantly shed DNA from dying cells, which briefly circulates in the patient’s bloodstream before it is quickly broken down. Many companies have created blood tests that can pick out this tumor DNA, potentially helping doctors diagnose or monitor cancer or choose a treatment. The amount of tumor DNA circulating at any given time, however, …

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