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Biosensor Detects Brain Tumors With Less Than A Drop Of Blood

Biosensor Detects Brain Tumors With Less Than A Drop Of Blood

Despite significant advances, mortality from brain tumors remains high with five-year survival rates of 36%, according to the National Cancer Institute. More accurate diagnoses might improve the situation, but tissue biopsies are invasive and can miss important information about a tumor’s make-up. Imaging-based methods, meanwhile, do not offer sufficient sensitivity and resolution. Now, researchers reporting …

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The first AI breast cancer sleuth that shows its work

Hidden Danger Of Mammograms: The False Positive

Computer engineers and radiologists at Duke University have developed an artificial intelligence platform to analyze potentially cancerous lesions in mammography scans to determine if a patient should receive an invasive biopsy. But unlike its many predecessors, this algorithm is interpretable, meaning it shows physicians exactly how it came to its conclusions. The researchers trained the …

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Healthy Plant-Based Diet Linked to Lower Risk for Elevated PSA

Cellular Protein Uncovered For The Treatment Of Prostate Cancer

Consumption of a diet rich in healthy plant-based foods is associated with a reduced likelihood of having an elevated PSA level, new research suggests. “This finding may be incorporated into the shared-decision making process with patients to promote healthier lifestyle choices to reduce the likelihood of prostate biopsy and potential treatment-related morbidity,” a team led …

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Artificial intelligence models to analyze cancer images can take shortcuts that introduce bias for minority patients

AI-enabled EKGs find difference between numerical age and biological age significantly affects health

Artificial intelligence tools and deep learning models are a powerful tool in cancer treatment. They can be used to analyze digital images of tumor biopsy samples, helping physicians quickly classify the type of cancer, predict prognosis and guide a course of treatment for the patient. However, unless these algorithms are properly calibrated, they can sometimes …

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A Simple Urine Test May Help Early Detection Of Brain Tumors

Delivering RNA therapies to brain tumors

A recent study by Nagoya University researchers revealed that microRNAs in urine could be a promising biomarker to diagnose brain tumors. Their findings, published in the journal ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, have indicated that regular urine tests could help early detection and treatment of brain tumors, possibly leading to improved patient survival. Early diagnosis …

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New nanoparticle design paves way for improved detection of tumors

New nanoparticle design paves way for improved detection of tumors

Nano-sized particles have been engineered in a new way to improve detection of tumors within the body and in biopsy tissue, a research team in Sweden reports. The advance could enable identifying early stage tumors with lower doses of radiation. In order to enhance visual contrast of living tissues, state-of-the-art imaging relies on agents such …

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Breast Cancer Patients Skipping Chemo

Breast Cancer Patients Skipping Chemo

Most patients with early breast cancer may be able to safely skip chemotherapy thanks to 21 gene testing performed on biopsy samples, as published in the New England Journal of Medicine.   In this groundbreaking study results suggest that about 70% of patients diagnosed with common forms of early breast cancer can safely avoid chemotherapy …

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