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Bitter Herbs Can Help Alleviate Symptoms Of GERD

Getting Your Gut Moving

Herbs and spices are used in different cuisines to enhance the flavor of dishes, but certain herbs can also be used medicinally to treat minor complaints and research suggests that bitter herbs and vegetables can also be used to help treat the symptoms of conditions such as gastroesophageal reflux disease. Bitter compounds in plants help …

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Getting Your Gut Moving

Getting Your Gut Moving

Digestive problems may be caused because the body is having problems absorbing fat; symptoms of fat malabsorption may include but is not limited to excreting light coloured foul smelling stools, fatigue, bloating, weight gain/loss, being nauseated by fatty foods, and dry skin. However, these symptoms may also be indication of other nutrient deficiencies as some …

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Promoting Healthy Glowing Skin

Promoting Healthy Glowing Skin

Designer cosmetics, injections, creams, stimulants can be found readily, but beautiful skin can also be achieved using nature’s timeless design, along with making healthier lifestyle choices. Food as medicine is not a new concept, by healing the body from within we can also help to heal wrinkles, fine lines, acne, and other issues that plague …

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