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Confirmed Case Of Bubonic Plague In Oregon

Confirmed Case Of Bubonic Plague In Oregon

One of the most fatal pandemics in human history was known as the Black Death, with between 75-200 million people perishing in a few years. This pandemic called the bubonic plague which was caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis found in wild rodents and their fleas. Survivors are thought to have given their descendants a …

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The Black Death shaped the evolution of immunity genes, setting the course for how we respond to disease today

Finding Balance With The Immune System

An international team of scientists who analyzed centuries-old DNA from victims and survivors of the Black Death pandemic has identified key genetic differences that determined who lived and who died, and how those aspects of our immune systems have continued to evolve since that time. Researchers from McMaster University, the University of Chicago, the Pasteur …

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