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Drinking Black Tea Associated With Reduced Deaths

Gung Ho for Green Tea

Research Matters Highlights: Drinking black tea was associated with a modest reduction in death in a large study. The results support black tea being part of a healthy diet. Tea is a popular beverage around the world. Previous studies have shown an association between tea drinking and reduced mortality. But these studies have mostly looked …

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Study Of Tea Drinkers Suggests Health Benefits For Black Tea

Drinking Tea May Help To Improve Brain Health

A prospective study of half a million tea drinkers in the United Kingdom has shown that higher tea intake was associated with a modestly lowered risk of death. The study, led by researchers at the National Cancer Institute, part of the National Institutes of Health, is a large and comprehensive analysis of the potential mortality …

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Black Tea Can Help Prevent A Common Std

Black Tea Can Help Prevent A Common Std

Drinking black tea can help protect against trichomoniasis due to protective compounds in the tea that inhibit parasite growth, according to a study conducted by the US Department of Agriculture. Trichomoniasis renders people vulnerable to reproductive morbidity and to HIV, it is caused by the Trichomonas vaginalis protozoan. Some strains of T.vagilanis have become resistant …

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Plant Compounds Benefit GI Health

Plant Compounds Benefit GI Health

Polyphenols – antioxidant compounds abundantly present in black tea and red grapes – may help to improve the ecosystem of the human gastrointestinal tract In that gastrointestinal (GI) health is linked to health of  the body’s numerous other systems – from cardiovascular to neurological, Netherlands researchers investigated the role of polyphenols from dietary sources on …

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Black Tea Compounds Beneficial for Blood Pressure

Black Tea Compounds Beneficial for Blood Pressure

Rich in flavonoids, black tea may help to reduce variability in nighttime blood pressure. Black tea is green tea that has been fermented.   While previous studies suggest that regular consumption of black tea may help to lower blood pressure level, Jonathan M Hodgson, from the  University of Western Australia (Australia), and colleagues investigated its effects …

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Black Tea Shown to Improve Blood Lipid Profile

Black Tea Shown to Improve Blood Lipid Profile

Drinking three cups of black tea each day may help to significantly improve a number of cardiovascular risk factors, say researchers. New research suggests that it may be possible to significantly reduce certain cardiovascular risk factors simply by drinking three cups of black tea each day. Results of the randomized controlled study of 87 people …

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Black Tea Lowers Blood Pressure

Black Tea Lowers Blood Pressure

Australian team observes lower blood pressure among people who drink three or more cups of black tea daily. Black tea is rich in flavonoids, an antioxidant compound associated with heart health.  Jonathan Hodgson, from the University of Western Australia (Australia), and colleagues enrolled 95 men and women, ages 35 to 75 years, all of whom …

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