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Battling Bloat

Listening to Your Body: Recognizing and Addressing Symptoms of GERD

At one point or another, almost everyone experiences a bout with battling gas and bloating. Bloating can make your abdomen feel larger than it is, but this doesn’t necessarily mean that your abdomen is distended. However, if you are struggling with bloating regularly it could be a symptom of a medical condition such as IBS …

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Can Ginger Effectively And Safely Be Used To Treat Nausea?

Can Ginger Effectively And Safely Be Used To Treat Nausea?

Ginger/ginger root is the thick stem of the flowering Zingiber officinale plant native to Southeast Asia and India, which has been used as a spice with many culinary applications and medicinally for hundreds of years.  It is most often recommended for its stomach calming effects, but can ginger be used to treat nausea more naturally? …

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Why You Should Try Banana Tea


It’s no secret that bananas are one of the most popular fruits, they are highly nutritious, have an appealing taste, and make a great addition or main ingredient in many recipes. But did you know that bananas can even be used to make a nice and relaxing antioxidant sweet tea? Banana tea is made by …

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