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Obesity linked to detection of blood cancer precursor

Vitamin C May Help Slay Blood Cancer Stem Cells

Individuals with obesity are more likely to have monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS), a benign blood condition that often precedes multiple myeloma, according to new research published in Blood Advances. Multiple myeloma is a blood cancer of the plasma cells, a type of white blood cells that produce antibodies to fight infection. MGUS, characterized …

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What Happens to our Cardiovascular System as We Age?

What Happens to our Cardiovascular System as We Age?

Researchers from across the university explain how our hearts and arteries change as we get older and why women and men have different rates of cardiovascular disease: With every pump of our heart, blood courses through our arteries and veins, carrying oxygen and nutrients through our body. But as we age, blood vessels can stiffen, …

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Patient Perspectives: Navigating the Journey of Varicose Veins Diagnosis

Patient Perspectives: Navigating the Journey of Varicose Veins Diagnosis

Varicose veins are a common woe that many of us find ourselves grappling with. You know the deal – those swollen, twisted veins that pop up on our legs and make their presence felt, usually when we least expect it. But here’s the thing: catching them early is a game-changer. It’s not just about getting …

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Minimally Invasive Procedures for Varicose Vein Removal: A Patient's Guide

Minimally Invasive Procedures for Varicose Vein Removal: A Patient's Guide

Varicose veins can be more than a simple cosmetic concern. They can also lead to discomfort and health issues. Fortunately, modern medicine offers a range of minimally invasive procedures for varicose vein removal. In this guide, we’ll explore these procedures to help you make an informed decision about your vein health. Varicose veins: What Are …

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The Impact of Varicose Veins on Daily Life: Symptoms and Complications

Obesity and Varicose Veins: The Weight Connection

Varicose veins are more than an aesthetic issue; they can significantly affect your daily life. Varicose veins cause discomfort, pain, and, in some cases, serious complications. This article will delve into the symptoms and complications associated with varicose veins. Understanding Varicose Veins Before we discuss the impact of varicose veins, let’s first understand what they …

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Surgical Options for Varicose Veins: Vein Ligation and Stripping

Human Placed Into Suspended Animation

Part 3 of an 8-article series written by Arlette Pacheco, Ph.D.  Varicose veins can be a source of discomfort for many people. These enlarged, twisted veins often appear on the legs and can cause symptoms like pain and aching. While lifestyle changes can help manage the condition, sometimes surgical intervention becomes necessary to provide lasting …

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Kombucha May Be Beneficial To Those With Type 2 Diabetes

Kombucha May Be Beneficial To Those With Type 2 Diabetes

According to a study recently published in the Frontiers in Nutrition, drinking kombucha could help to lower blood sugar levels in those with type 2 diabetes, researchers from Georgetown and Nebraska Universities speculate that the popular fermented tea may be a potential dietary intervention to help manage escalating blood sugar levels and their findings establish …

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Carotene Rich Foods May Help Keep Your Arteries Clean

A Carrot A Day

According to a study published in the journal Clinical Nutrition conducted by researchers from the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) eating carotene-rich foods like carrots might be helping to keep your arteries clean, finding that carotene-rich diets are linked with a lower degree of atherosclerosis in the arteries and thus a lower risk of cardiovascular …

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Drug Combination Restores Ability Of Leading Treatment To Signal For Death Of Blood Cancer Cells

Vitamin C May Help Slay Blood Cancer Stem Cells

Despite the promise of new medications that promote cancer cell death in people with acute myeloid leukemia, leukemic cells often adopt features that let them evade the drugs’ effects within a year. Now, according to NYU Langone Health, new research using human tissue samples and mouse models has found that resistance of leukemia cells to …

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Exercise Therapy Is Safe, May Improve Quality Of Life For Many With Heart Failure

Exercise Is Especially Important For Those With Heart Disease

According to a news release, new scientific statement notes that supervised exercise therapy improved quality of life more than medication for one of the most common types of heart failure Statement Highlights: A new scientific statement indicates supervised exercise therapy may help improve symptoms for people with one of the most common types of heart …

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