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Study identifies potential pathway to reducing breast cancer brain metastases

Study identifies potential pathway to reducing breast cancer brain metastases

A study led by researchers from the University of Arizona Cancer Center at UArizona Health Sciences identified a biological mechanism that could lead to more effective treatments for breast cancer that has metastasized to the brain. By studying the metabolic differences between primary breast cancer cells and those that metastasize to the brain, they determined …

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The next generation of weight-loss medicine is on its way

The next generation of weight-loss medicine is on its way

A groundbreaking paper in Nature describes a promising new therapy for obesity that leads to greater weight loss in mice than existing medications. The approach smuggles molecules into the brain’s appetite centre and affects the brain’s neuroplasticity. “I consider the drugs available on the marked today as the first generation of weight-loss drugs. Now we …

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How the brain acquires essential omega-3 fatty acids

How the brain acquires essential omega-3 fatty acids

Researchers at the UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine, the Howard Hughes Medical Institute at UCLA, and the National Institutes of Health have developed a zebrafish model that provides new insight into how the brain acquires essential omega-3 fatty acids, including docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and linolenic acid (ALA). Their findings, published in Nature Communications, have …

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Treating Glioblastoma Using Novel Ultrasound Technology

Treating Glioblastoma Using Novel Ultrasound Technology

Image Caption: Northwestern Medicine scientists led by Adam Sonabend report results of the first-in-human clinical trial using a skull-implantable ultrasound device to open the blood-brain barrier and repeatedly permeate large, critical regions of the human brain to deliver chemotherapy. Image Credit: Northwestern University News Release Highlights: The first-in-human trial used a novel ultrasound device to …

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Can fruit fly research help improve the survival of cancer patients?

Antibody-peptide inhibitor conjugates: A new path for cancer therapy

The experience of a fruit fly dying from cancer may seem worlds away from that of a human with a life-threatening tumor, yet University of California, Berkeley, researchers are finding commonalities between the two that could lead to ways to prolong the lives of cancer patients. Fruit fly research is already pointing to a new …

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Delivering RNA therapies to brain tumors

Delivering RNA therapies to brain tumors

A combination of nanoparticle packaging and focused ultrasound allowed an RNA therapy to be delivered across the blood-brain barrier in mice. Brain tumors in mice treated using the combination experienced substantial cell death, suggesting its feasibility as a brain cancer therapy Ribonucleic acid, better known as RNA, is a workhorse molecule in the body. Different …

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New Mutations Discovered In Rare Dementia

New Mutations Discovered In Rare Dementia

Current estimates are that around 36 million people suffer from Alzheimer’s disease or related dementias, and there are no approved medications to prevent the progression of this mind wasting debilitating disease which is the fourth leading cause of death around the globe. Pathologies related to blood vessels in the brain occur in around 80% of …

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Scientists Using Microbubbles To Explode Cancer Cells

FDA Grants Breakthrough Designation For Device To Treat Parkinson’s

In exciting news, an international group of scientists have been using low frequency ultrasound bursts of microscopic bubble injections in tumor research, and this explosion is suggested to kill off the majority of the surrounding cancer cells.  The noninvasive technology was developed to kill breast cancer cells, this is a promising innovation that, in theory, …

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Drugs Targeting Brain Inflammation May Reverse Dementia

Drugs Targeting Brain Inflammation May Reverse Dementia

A study conducted by researchers from the Universities of California and Ben-Gurion published in the journal Science Translational Medicine report giving senile mice a synthesized small molecule drug that blocks the TGF beta receptor in astrocytes and traverses the blood brain barrier in mice resulted in the animals having lowered receptor activity, reduced inflammation, as …

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Mild Fungal Infections Found To Affect Mouse Memory

Possibility Of Injections To Stop Progress Of AD Within A Decade

Candida albicans yeast induced low grade blood infections have been found to trigger inflammatory responses in the brain temporarily affecting memory, and triggering formation of granuloma type structures which share features with plaques found in AD by a team of researchers led by Baylor College of Medicine, as published in Nature Communications. This work is …

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