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Vaping After Tooth Extraction: Is It Safe?

Oral Health and Wellness: The Role of Oral Surgery in Dental Care

If you’ve recently had a tooth extracted, you may be wondering whether it’s safe to vape or if you need to take a break from your e-cigarette habit until your mouth has fully healed. Tooth removal, whether due to dental surgery, wisdom tooth extraction, or other oral procedures, requires time and care to recover properly. …

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Erythritol and cardiovascular events

Gut Brain Circuit Driving Sugar Cravings

Research Matters Highlights: Higher blood levels of the artificial sweetener erythritol were associated with increased risk of heart attack and stroke. The results highlight the need for further study of erythritol’s long-term risks for cardiovascular health. Artificial sweeteners have become a widespread way to reduce sugar and calorie intake. Regulatory agencies generally consider artificial sweeteners …

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Blood Clots Explained: Clearing Blockages in the System

The Latest Medical Findings Suggest Blood Clotting In COVID-19

Your blood is an amazing, multi-purpose substance. It flows continuously through the body, carrying oxygen and nutrients to your cells. But if you get a scrape or cut, some of this flowing liquid quickly turns to a protective clot. Clots are tangles of molecules and blood cells that clump together. They help prevent blood loss …

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Risk Of Cancer Higher After Acute Thrombosis


There is more than three times the risk of developing cancer in the first six months after having a blood clot in the leg, as published in the journal Circulation.   Arterial thrombosis can have risks for developing disease which are far worse than the blood clot itself, such as cancer, which is especially the …

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