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Winter Blues And Blue Monday

Winter Blues And Blue Monday

Apparently, the third Monday of January is called Blue Monday, this day is said to be the gloomiest day of the year. According to the concept it is called this because of the combination of post-holiday recovery, resolution failures, as well as financial and credit statements arriving, and falling on a dark, long winter day.  …

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The Science of Sleep: How to Get Better Sleep Every Night

Sleep Deprivation May Reduce Depression

We all know the feeling of waking up groggy and exhausted, struggling to find the energy to tackle the day ahead. The key to breaking free from this cycle lies in understanding the science of sleep and adopting evidence-based strategies to enhance its quality. So, let’s explore the stages of sleeping and the role of …

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Blue Mondays: Harder On The Heart Than Thought

Private Vehicle Transport Cuts Death After Penetrating Injury

According to research recently presented at the British Cardiovascular Society Conference (BSC), deadly heart attacks happen most often at the start of the working week than at any other time, giving people even more reason not to like Mondays.  Data were analyzed from 10,528 patients across Ireland who had been admitted to hospitals between 2013- …

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Basking In Nature May Reduce The Need For Certain Prescription Drugs

Can You Reduce Your Need For Medication With Time In Nature? YES, You Can!

According to a recent study published in Occupational & Environmental Medicine, frequent visits to green spaces like parks and community gardens, rather than the amount, or views of them from home, may be linked to the lower use of certain prescription medications.  Spending time basking in nature might just be the perfect prescription for helping …

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Feeling anxious or blue? Ultra-processed foods may be to blame

Highly Processed Foods Form Bulk Of U.S. Youths' Diets

More than 70% of packaged foods in the U.S. are classified as ultra-processed food and represent about 60% of all calories consumed by Americans. Do you love those sugary-sweet beverages, reconstituted meat products and packaged snacks? You may want to reconsider based on a new study that explored whether individuals who consume higher amounts of …

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5 Nutrition-Based Tips for Healthy Aging

Natural Ways To Kick-Start Metabolism

March was National Nutrition Month, an annual campaign focused on expanding awareness and education, promoting informed dietary choices, and helping the population develop healthful eating and physical activity habits. From a functional medicine perspective, nutrition plays a crucial role in overall health and can be leveraged as part of an integrated approach to prevent, manage, …

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Electronics Usage At Night May Be Contributing To Sleep Disorders

Regular Bedtimes Benefits Adults As Much As Kids

About one third of all American adults are not getting enough sleep according to the CDC, sleep disorders are becoming a growing epidemic around the world. Most people point to a racing mind or busy schedules, but many experts believe sleep issues are getting worse due to use of wireless technology, specifically at night. 9 …

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Blue Zone Longevity Warriors

Blue Zone Longevity Warriors

People are living longer healthier lives than ever before around the globe, which is evident in the number of centenarians; in 1840 there were 90 in the USA, that’s 1 for every 189,000 people but now there are more than 53,000 which is 1 for every 5,800 people. Centenarians are people that are living into …

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