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The Longevity Doctor Will See You Now

The Longevity Doctor Will See You Now

A Look Inside the Exclusive World of Elite Longevity Clinics The field of longevity medicine is experiencing a surge in growth, with a focus on health optimization, disease prevention, and the desire to combat aging gaining momentum across the population. This pursuit of longevity has particularly captured the attention of the wealthy, as evidenced by …

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Redefining Menopause: Promising Treatment Innovations Pave The Way

Redefining Menopause: Promising Treatment Innovations Pave The Way

Menopause marks a significant phase in a woman’s life, characterized by the cessation of menstruation and a complex array of symptoms that can profoundly impact overall well-being and quality of life. From the discomfort of hot flashes and night sweats to the emotional turbulence of mood swings and the frustration of sleep disturbances, the manifestations …

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A look at 700 plant-based foods to see how healthy they really are. Here’s what was found

Safety Concerns Raised Over Impossible Burger GMO Fake Meat Ingredient

If you’re thinking about buying plant-based foods, a trip to the supermarket can leave you bewildered. There are plant-based burgers, sausages, and mince. The fridges are loaded with non-dairy milk, cheese, and yoghurt. Then there are the tins of beans and packets of tofu. But how much is actually healthy? Our nutritional audit of more …

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3D Printed Artificial Cartilage

Manufacturing And 3D Printing Drugs

Researchers at the Vienna University of Technology have made strides towards creating replacement tissue using a technique that differs from other methods currently being used around the world. The paper, “Scaffolded spheroids as building blocks for bottom-up cartilage tissue engineering show enhanced bioassembly dynamics,” published in Acta Biomaterialia describes their new approach. The team used …

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Beyond the Gym: Exploring Unconventional Exercise Methods for Longevity and Vitality While Aging

Beyond the Gym: Exploring Unconventional Exercise Methods for Longevity and Vitality While Aging

Slogging away at the gym isn’t for everyone. Especially as you age and go through different phases with your mind and body, it’s worth it to have alternative methods of exercise to accommodate your ability level. You could have an illness or become injured You could also simply prefer unconventional exercise to the traditional gym …

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The Benefits of Moderate Exercise On Physical Health and Mental Well-being

Holistic Health: Effective Strategies for Achieving Weight Loss and Overall Wellness

Finding the time to exercise can feel like a challenge, especially with a busy work-family schedule. However, it is worth fitting some in because even moderate levels of physical activity can significantly impact both your physical health and mental outlook. Incorporating moderate exercise into your routine can lead to numerous benefits that enhance your overall …

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How ovarian tissue freezing could prevent menopause — possibly forever

How ovarian tissue freezing could prevent menopause -- possibly forever

Most women agree that menopause has its advantages and disadvantages. Some relish the end of menstruation and concerns about unplanned pregnancies, while others dread the possibililty of hot flashes, moodiness, and other unpleasant symptoms. What some women consider a brief and barely noticeable phase in their lives can evolve into lasting changes and discomfort for …

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Walking fitness can predict fracture risk in older adults

Walking, Nordic Walking, And Golf May Enhance Cognitive Function

The ability to walk one kilometre comfortably can help predict fracture risk, according to researchers at the Garvan Institute of Medical Research. The findings, published today in JAMA Network Open, suggest that simply asking a patient about walking limitation could allow clinicians to identify those in need of further bone health screening and prescribe interventions …

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Bean-fully Beneficial

For one reason or another most people overlook beans when planning meals, and that is unfortunate because beans are a convenient, versatile, nutritious, and economical legume that contains a unique combination of plant-based protein and fiber, as well as essential vitamins and minerals that carry a variety of health benefits like promoting digestion, increasing healthy …

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CBD and CBG May Promote Bone Fracture Healing And Manage Pain

Jones Fractures May Be More Stable With Metal Plates

Global estimates are that more than 178 million people suffer from bone fracture injuries annually. According to Reyad Elbarbary, the corresponding author of this study, and associate professor of orthopedics and rehabilitation at Penn State College of Medicine, current methods for managing pain, which are most often nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as aspirin, are …

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