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How zinc boosts the immune system

Foods High In Zinc

Zinc’s immune-boosting properties are well-established, but we’re still untangling how it works. In a new study published in late March in the scientific journal Blood, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center scientists reveal two different ways the mineral supports immunity. Using mice, the team discovered that zinc is required for the development of a specialized type …

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Minimal Effort Required: A Ten-Minute Run Can Boost Brain Processing

Working Together Is Positive For Weight Loss

Researchers at the University of Tsukuba show that increased activation of the bilateral prefrontal cortex accompanies improvements to mood and cognitive function after only a brief bout of moderate-intensity running. Running may be a useful activity to undertake for better mental health. University of Tsukuba researchers have found that only ten minutes of moderate-intensity running …

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Boost proper brain function

Common Foods That Can Boost Cognition And Memory

Dr. Keith Wharton is the current member of the month at A4M. He and his team at Three Rivers Restorative Medicine practice preventive and customized, personalized patient care and believe in a proactive approach to healthcare in their high-tech, state-of-the-art facility in Pennsylvania. The following article can be found on their blog.  Annually, millions of …

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Supplements May Help To Fight Off Severe Cases Of Rona Infection

Supplements May Help To Fight Off Severe Cases Of Rona Infection

We have been learning a lot over the past recent months on how to strengthen our immune system to fight COVD-19, and the latest studies suggest that there may be a simple arsenal worth keeping in your medicine cabinet to assist in this process, that being dietary supplements.  There are many medical tests to evaluate …

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Boosting The Immune System Could Be A Treatment Strategy For COVID-19

Scientists Conclude That It Is Unlikely To Have COVID-19 Twice

Since the beginning of this outbreak holistic practitioners and the health conscious around the globe have been encouraging people to make better lifestyle choices and boost their immune system , and to be honest they have been for decades. Now Washington University appears to be joining that cause and is suggesting that boosting the immune …

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Listening To Music While Exercising Helps Fight Fatigue

Listening To Music While Exercising Helps Fight Fatigue

Recent research published in the International Journal of Psychophysiology from researchers at Brunel University has revealed that listening to music during exercise can help to fight off fatigue; the study found the rhythm of music activates a region of the brain that helps humans from becoming tired.  “The effects of music on exercise have been …

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Strengthening The Immune System With Food

Strengthening The Immune System With Food

It goes without saying that having a strong immune system is important because of the role it plays in protecting the body against disease and infection. When the immune system is functioning properly it can identify bacteria, viruses and other pathogens while distinguishing them from our own cells.  Unfortunately the immune system can become compromised …

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Nootropics That May Help To Boost Your Brain

Nootropics That May Help To Boost Your Brain

Productivity warriors and cognitive creatives are looking towards smart drugs as brain boosting aids. Nootropics have been around since the 1970s, but are starting to re-emerge due to anecdotal evidence saying they decrease stress and increase mental stamina, they “are broadly defined as anything that enhances your cognitive capacity and performance, from memory to creativity, …

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What Stem Cells Really Are + How To Boost Them Naturally

Placental Stem Cells Can Regenerate Heart After Heart Attack

Article courtesy of: Dr. Joel Kahn, MD, one of the world’s top cardiologists, best selling author, lecturer, and expert in plant-based nutrition & holistic care. The results of a new study showing that fasting for 24 hours boosted the stem cell activity in mice recently blasted the headlines of every major news outlet. And while …

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Cold Showers May Improve Circulation And Productivity


Most people prefer to have a nice relaxing hot shower in the morning, but some opt to have a cold shower to jump start their day, a study even shows cold showers will make you more likely to go to work. A study led by the Academic Medical Centre in Amsterdam revealed that cold showers …

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