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Memophenol Found To Boost Student Mental Performance

Women’s Brains Are More Active Than Men

Memophenol has been clinically proven to help prevent age related cognitive decline in seniors, now it has been found to act as cognitive performance booster in a new clinical study. The cross over, randomized, double blind placebo controlled clinical study involved 30 graduate students between the ages of 18-25, who took both placebo and 600mg …

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Exercise Is Good For The Aging Brain

Easy Tips To Boost Intelligence

A single bout of exercise has been found to help improve cognitive functions and working memory in some older people, according to research from the University of Iowa. In this study that included brain scans, working memory tests, and physical activity older participants were found to experience the same cognitive benefits and improved memory from …

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Coffee May Be Good For The Liver

Coffee May Be Good For The Liver

Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world, millions of people start their day with a cup or more. Research suggests that those who enjoy java may have a lower incidence of liver disease, some research also suggests that coffee can help to undo some of the damage caused by drinking alcohol. …

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Denver Decriminalizes Psilocybin

Denver Decriminalizes Psilocybin

In a landmark vote of 50.6% to 49.4% (89,320 for and 87,341 against, margin of 1,979) of the 176,000 residents of Denver, Colorado passed a ballot, Initiative 301, that decriminalizes psilocybin “magic” mushrooms. This vote will not make them become available in dispensaries, they will still remain on Schedule 1 classification under Federal law, rather …

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Surprising Benefits That Coffee May Have

Caffeine May Help Stave Off Age Related Cognitive Deficits

Most people like coffee, about 62% of Americans drink coffee on a daily basis, and as a whole around the globe over 2.25 billion cups of coffee are consumed every day. Studies on coffee show it to have both negative and positive effects on health, some believe it does more harm while some believe the …

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5 Minute Breathing Technique May Benefit The Brain & Heart

Changing Landscape For Heart Attack Outcomes 20 Year Data

Inspiratory Muscle Strength Training has been shown in preliminary research to boost cognitive and physical performance as well as cardiovascular health. Diet and exercise are well documented to be good for us, however most often putting in the effort to do so requires more willpower than most people have unfortunately. What if there was a …

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Exercise “Snacks” Boost Heart Health

Exercise “Snacks” Boost Heart Health

Exercise “snacks” such as vigorous bouts of stair climbing are suggest to boost heart health. To enjoy the health benefits even a few minutes of using flights of stairs every 2-3 hours can help to greatly improve health of the heart. This form of snack is not food, rather exercise that can be easily incorporated …

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Nestle Investing In Mitochondria Research

Clues To Cellular Energy Production And Late Onset Alzheimer’s

Nestle Health Science is partnering with Amazentis and is taking an equity stake in return for global rights to use the patented Urolithin A technology in foods, beverages, dietary supplements, and medical nutritional products. Urolithin A technology is currently being evaluated in the second phase of two clinical trials; it is a metabolite naturally produced …

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Which Mushroom Are Best For The Brain?

Over 10 Types Of Mushrooms May Be Beneficial To The Brain

You’ve probably tried most of the conventional advice to boosting brain power such as sleep, meditation, exercise, and puzzles, but have you heard of mushrooms improving cognitive function, however not all mushrooms are created equal. Reishi mushrooms have been used for thousands of years to signify well being and longevity in Asian cultures, and are …

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Walking Backwards May Boost Memory

Can Rosemary Improve Memory And Cognition?

Walking backwards is suggested in a study to possibly boost short term memory, but the scientists have no idea as to why. Volunteers doing memory tests scored better if they had walked backwards before testing. Subjects watched videos then were asked to walk forwards, backward, or stay still; groups were asked question about the events …

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