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11 Healing Revolutionary Herbs Used In Teas

Green Tea Boosts Memory, Combats Obesity

Throughout history, herbs have been used for different purposes. Yet, there was no scientific information about their specific abilities in recorded history. However, this didn’t stop our ancestors from using herbs for ingredients in teas, brews, and various meals for their healing purposes.  As modern medicine and technology have provided the ability to test the …

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A Scientific Look at Botanical Plants and Supplements Against Coronavirus

Natural Remedies For Pain And Infection

Written by: Richard Gale and Gary Null PhD Progressive Radio Network, March 10, 2020 In recent weeks, the coronavirus pandemic has dominated the news at the expense of everything else that is critical and urgent in our lives. As panic increases and more cases are reported daily, health-minded people are eager or even desperate to …

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Holistic Anti-Aging Skin Care: What To Look For In A Product

Holistic Anti-Aging Skin Care: What To Look For In A Product

The natural and holistic beauty space has emerged and is becoming more common place, in fact the organic beauty market is projected to hit $54 billion by 2027. Due to an increased demand for more sustainable and organic products the landscape of even skin care and beauty products is changing.  More brands are beginning to …

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Saffron May Be A Treatment For ADHD

Medicinal Properties Of Saffron Explored

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or a variation of such can make it difficult to focus. Rather then drugging the mind there is a growing trend in looking for alternatives rather than reaching for a pharmaceutical, for more gentler approach that doesn’t have as many risks for side effects. Saffron/Crocus sativus L. is suggested to work …

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Thermogenics That Best Aid Weight Loss


Nutrient calories are turned into heat energy the body uses to regulate internal temperature by thermogenic agents, taking these agents as supplements may help to reduce weight and maintain a healthy level, thereby lowering the risk of obesity. Often obesity can be traced to problems within adaptive thermogenesis changes which can be adjusted for with …

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Blueberry-Based Formula Boosts Brain Skills

Blueberry-Based Formula Boosts Brain Skills

Extracts from blueberries and green tea, plus vitamins and amino acids, may help to improve cognitive processing speed in healthy older adults. A persistent and common fear among aging adults is the decline and/or loss of the abilities to think, remember, and learn.  Paula C Bickford, from the University of South Florida (Florida, USA), and …

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Sea Buckthorn Berries Improve Cardiometabolic Markers

Sea Buckthorn Berries Improve Cardiometabolic Markers

Daily consumption of sea buckthorn berries and its extracts may promote metabolic and heart health, among overweight women. The deciduous shrub Hippophae (family Elaeagnacea) yields sea buckthorn berries – abundant in Vitamin C as well as flavanols. Petra S. Larmo, from the University of Turku (Finland), and colleagues  analyzed the effects of sea buckthorn and …

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Ginkgo Extract May Combat Dementia

Ginkgo Extract May Combat Dementia

A standardized extract of ginkgo biloba, improved the proliferation of neural stem cells in the subependymal zone of vascular dementia, in a lab animal model. Neural stem cells proliferate in the subventricular zone and hippocampal dentate gyrus of adult mammals.  Because the number of endogenous neural stem cells is insufficient to prevent cerebral ischemia/reperfusion injuries …

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