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Sleep: How Does EDS Relate To OSA?

Sleep Apnea Wreaks Havoc on Your Metabolism

Excessive daytime sleepiness due to obstructive sleep apnea is not the same as just being tired; common signs of EDS due to OSA include brain fog, unrefreshing sleep, and falling asleep when you are supposed to be awake.  In American an estimated 18 million people have obstructive sleep apnea, and excessive daytime sleepiness due to …

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Fatigue And The Adrenals

Fatigue And The Adrenals

Are you feeling like you have no energy and coffee makes it worse; having feelings of haze/brain fog; struggling to maintain weight; having trouble sleeping and are tired even with sleep? If you can answer yes all of these symptoms may be connected, and are a sign of an organ being overworked and strained by …

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