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Benefits of Brazil Nuts for High Cholesterol

Science Backed Benefits Of Eating Brazil Nuts

People usually associate cholesterol with something bad for their health. However, that’s not exactly true. Specifically, cholesterol is a fatty substance that your body needs to produce new cells, hormones, bile, and vitamin D. Now, your body produces this substance naturally, but it is also obtained from certain foods. And if you’re not careful, an …

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Science Backed Benefits Of Eating Brazil Nuts

Science Backed Benefits Of Eating Brazil Nuts

Research suggests that eating nutrient dense Brazil nuts are not only a healthy and nutritious snack but they also can help to reduce inflammation, improve heart health, and support thyroid function. Brazil nuts can be consumed raw or blanched, they have a smooth and almost buttery texture with a nutty flavour. They are one of …

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Selenium Linked to Diabetes

Selenium Linked to Diabetes

Found abundantly in Brazil nuts, higher levels of the essential trace element selenium may associate with a reduced risk of type-2 diabetes. Selenium is an essential trace element which is necessary for growth and protein synthesis. Selenium helps to increase the effectiveness of vitamin E, and acts as an antioxidant to protect cells from free …

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