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Light Exposure May Raise Breast Cancer Risk


Israeli scientists report that sleeping with the lights on may increase the risk of breast cancer. Due to its disruptive effects on circadian rhythms and sleep deprivation at night, shiftworking is generally recognized as a risk factor for breast cancer.  As an extension of this notion, Abraham Haim, from the University of Haifa (Israel), and …

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Diets High in Fat and Cholesterol May Raise Breast Cancer Risk


Elevated fat and cholesterol levels typical of the Western diet contribute to the growth and spread of breast cancer, in a lab animal model. Previous studies have suggested that diet and obesity are important risk factors for cancer development. Philippe G. Frank, from Thomas Jefferson University (Pennsylvania, USA), and colleagues examined the role of fat …

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Vitamin D & Breast Cancer


French study finds that the combination of limited sunlight exposure plus dietary supplementation may provide the optimal Vitamin D levels that reduce breast cancer risk. While a number of studies have linked vitamin D levels to a reduction in the risk of certain cancers, including breast cancer, there has been much debate as to how …

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Low Vitamin D Linked to Breast Cancer


Women diagnosed with aggressive and late stage breast cancer are more likely to have low levels of vitamin D, as compared with women with less invasive and advanced forms of breast cancer. Women diagnosed with aggressive and late stage breast cancer are more likely to have low levels of vitamin D, as compared with women …

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Household Cleaning Products May Raise Breast Cancer Risk


Study correlates the frequent use of air fresheners and mold/mildew cleaners with increased risk of breast cancer. In that it has been postulated that household cleaning and pesticide products may contribute to breast cancer because many contain endocrine disrupting chemicals or mammary gland carcinogens, Julia Brody, from the Silent Spring Institute (Massachusetts, USA), and colleagues …

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Progestins Increase Risk of Breast Cancer Metastasis


New research shows that progestin-containing hormone replacement therapies increase the risk of breast cancer spreading to the lymph nodes.  Previous studies have shown that women who take estrogen and progestin-containing hormone replacement therapies after menopause have an increased risk of developing breast cancer. Now, researchers at the University of Missouri have found that progestin-containing hormone …

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Exercise May Slash Breast Cancer Risk

Exercise May Slash Breast Cancer Risk

Among sedentary postmenopausal women, moderate-to-vigorous exercise reduced hormones coincident for breast cancer risk. Whereas observational studies have suggested that increased physical activity is linked to lower breast cancer risk, Canadian researchers explored how sex hormones were positively influenced by aerobic exercise.  Specifically, the team examined how an aerobic exercise intervention influenced circulating estradiol, estrone, sex …

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