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Secretin Hormone Induces Satiation By Activating Brown Fat

Secretin Hormone Induces Satiation By Activating Brown Fat

Researchers from the Turku PET Centre and Technical University of Munich have discovered a new mechanism controlling satiation. According to the recently published study, the hormone secretin induces satiation by activating brown adipose tissue. Brown adipose tissue is known for its ability to generate heat in response to cold exposure. Its activity has been proven …

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Transplanting Cells Holds Promise For Obesity And Diabetes

Transplanting Cells Holds Promise For Obesity And Diabetes

 A report published in Science Translational Medicine describes a potential therapy for obesity involving transplantation of human brown-like fat cells and human white fat cells that have been genetically modified using CRISPR technology to become similar to heat-generating brown fat cells.  A group of scientists from Joslin Diabetes Center have delivered a proof of concept …

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Tips To Exercising Outdoors In Cold Weather

Dog Ownership Associated With Longer Life

Just because the weather has taken a dip to the colder side does not mean that one can no longer enjoy exercising outdoors, with proper warm up, equipment, and keeping health considerations in mind, according to Harvard Health, one can maintain an outdoor exercise routine. So you’ve grabbed that hooded jacket and want to go …

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Protein May Play Roles In Obesity & Metabolic Disease


Scripps Research has revealed new and unexpected findings about a protein that is highly expressed in fat tissue in a study that is published in the journal Nature which may lead to new understandings about obesity and metabolism as well as in developing new approaches for addressing obesity and possibly other diseases.  PGRMC2 is a …

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Can Coffee Help Fight Obesity?

Coffee May Be Good For The Liver

According to a study published in the journal Scientific Reports a cup of coffee per day may help to stimulate brown fat, which may help in the fight against obesity and diabetes.  Brown adipose tissue is one of two types of fat found in humans, initially attributed to babies and hibernating mammals it was recently …

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Could Blocking A Gene Cure Obesity?

Could Blocking A Gene Cure Obesity?

The hardest challenge most obese people face while trying to lose weight may be the struggle to stick with healthier plans for diet and exercise. Flinders University scientists suggest that blocking a single gene may promote weight loss without the need for hours at the gym. According to the scientists after removing the gene RCAN1 …

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CBD And Metabolism

Cannabis Essential Oil

Over 100 different cannabinoids can be found within the cannabis plant. CBD is one of the most known due to its non-psychoactive therapeutic potential. THC is associated with stimulating hunger causing munchies, this cannabinoid is capable of influencing metabolism. But does CBD affect metabolism? Research shows that yes it does, and in surprising manners. A …

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Possible New Drug For Obesity


A protein that gives energy burning brown fat its identity may lead to the development of new drugs to be used to help battle the obesity epidemic, as reported in Cell Reports. Most fat cells in the body store energy, but a small subset of brown fat cells do the opposite by burning energy and …

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