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Beware: Just One Meal High In Saturated Fat (Butter) Can Do Serious Harm

Magnets in Cell Phones and Smart Watches May Affect Pacemakers and Other Implanted Medical Devices

Article courtesy of Dr. Joel Kahn, MD, who is a Clinical Professor of Medicine at Wayne State University School of Medicine, one of the world’s top cardiologists, best-selling author, lecturer, and a leading expert in plant-based nutrition and holistic care. The ‘cult’ of butter in coffee and coconut oil in smoothies has been a strong …

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Study Shows Eating Cheese May Not Increase Cholesterol

Cheese for Heart Health??

Higher dairy intake associated with lower body mass index Those who ate low-fat dairy products tended to have higher cholesterol Scientists examined the impact of dairy foods on health in 1,500 Irish people Irish people who eat a lot of cheese do not have higher cholesterol levels than those who don’t, according to research carried …

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Olive Oil Associated With Improvements In Heart Health

Extra Virgin Olive Oil: Can It Reduce the Risk of Dementia?

According to findings from a study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology substituting olive oil for butter, margarine, mayonnaise, or dairy fat can help to lower the risk of coronary heart disease and total cardiovascular disease.  Olive oil is a staple of many Mediterranean style diets and its consumption is gaining …

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To Ghee, Or Not To Ghee, That Is The Butter Question

To Ghee, Or Not To Ghee, That Is The Butter Question

Most people in modern society think that butter is a poor food choice, many are often surprised to learn about possible health benefits to ghee, which is clarified butter oil. Ghee is commonly used in Indian cuisine, is rich in vitamins and essential fatty acids, and has been shown to help reduce the effects of …

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A Little Relief For Your Adrenals

Fatigue And The Adrenals

Adrenal fatigue is a group of varied symptoms associated with chronic stress, left unaddressed it can significantly impact a person’s life. Best known for secreting hormones that helps the body cope with stress the adrenal glands can become over-worked. Adrenaline promotes the body to act under stressful situations, however problems occur when the body is …

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2019 Functional Food Trends

2019 Functional Food Trends

Old health rules are being overturned, new ideas are emerging, old ingredients are becoming once more reborn, and retail channels are shifting as consumers beliefs over what healthy means change it opens the doors for a wealth of various opportunities. Dietitians and health professionals are no longer being seeing as the know all and experts …

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Benefits Of Natural Peanut Butter

Race Of The Nutcrackers

Peanut butter is one of the most popular spreads around the globe, it can be used in a variety of ways and consumed at any time of day; consuming it in moderation during your last meal of the day may provide some benefits, provided one is not allergic. Peanut butter is high in fat at …

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Nut Butters

Nut Butters

In the ongoing battle of butters between almond butter and peanut butter there are many arguments for each side including things such as nutrients, taste, and health benefits. Both are nutritious and tasty but these two nut butters do differ.   Almond butter and peanut butter share some similarities in terms of nutrient profile and …

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