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Gene Linked To Healthy Aging In Worms Identified

Gene Linked To Healthy Aging In Worms Identified

Just because some may have the same lifespan does not necessarily mean they have the same quality of life, and extending quality of life is becoming increasingly important as we live longer. A gene has been discovered that is linked to healthy aging in C. elegans that may shed light onto the genetics of healthspan. …

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First Full Diagram Of An Animal’s Nervous System Assembled

First Full Diagram Of An Animal’s Nervous System Assembled

The first complete wiring diagram of the nervous system of an animal has been assembled by researchers from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine which was focused on Caenorhabditis elegans, and reveals some significant differences between the sexes of this species, as published in the journal Nature. Lead author Dr. Scott Emmons marks this as …

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Anti-Aging Cocktail With Promise Of Extending Lifespan

Anti-Aging Cocktail With Promise Of Extending Lifespan

Novel drug cocktail has almost doubled the lifespan of microscopic worms in the largest drug induced extension in animal studies to date; which may lead to interventions to help humans live longer, as published in the journal Developmental Cell. C.elegans worms are often used in aging studies due to biological simplicity allowing researchers to clearly …

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