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Frequently using digital devices to soothe young children may backfire


It’s a scene many parents have experienced — just as they’re trying to cook dinner, take a phone call or run an errand, their child has a meltdown. And sometimes, handing a fussy preschooler a digital device seems to offer a quick fix. But this calming strategy could be linked to worse behavior challenges down …

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How to Turn Gardening Into a Workout and Stress Relief

The Benefits of Simply Moving More

Adding gardening to your weekly routine may just be what you need to stay physically and mentally fit. According to Science Direct research, gardening at least two to three times a week boosts well-being and reduces stress. People with health issues particularly emphasized the value of gardening. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also put …

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A Calming Hug: A Tactile Aid To Ease Anxiety

A Calming Hug: A Tactile Aid To Ease Anxiety

Anxiety disorders affect approximately one-third of people during their lifetimes and are the ninth leading cause of global disability. Current treatments focus on therapy and pharmacological interventions. However, therapy is costly and pharmacological interventions often have undesirable side effects. Healthy people also regularly suffer periods of anxiety. Therefore, a non-pharmacological, intuitive, home intervention would be …

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Foods That May Help To Calm The Nerves & Mind

Foods That May Help To Calm The Nerves & Mind

Many people go about their busy days operating in high gear from juggling schedules, dealing with traffic, and in general trying to keep our lives at work and those at home along with our families in order. Even when the day/night isn’t in hyper drive the levels of cortisol stress hormones can remain elevated because …

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Breathing Technique Can Calm You Down

Medical Yoga Therapy

A simple breathing technique used by first responders and Navy SEALs in stressful and life threatening situations called box breathing can help to de-stress and calm you down in just a few minutes. Box breathing is a form of present, deep, conscious breathing in which each exhaled breath is drawn out to last longer than …

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