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Breaking Barriers: Access to Treatment for Rare Diseases in India

From Treatment to Misdiagnosis: Rare Diseases in the Present Day

Breaking Barriers: Access to Treatment for Rare Diseases in India By Nisha Venugopal, Ph.D. The World Health Organisation (WHO) defines rare diseases as debilitating, lifelong disorders with a prevalence of less than one per 1,000 persons. They include autoimmune disorders, congenital malformations, inherited cancers, and a few endemic infectious diseases that have very low prevalence. …

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Researchers Discover Gene That Promotes Muscle Strength During Exercise

Chemistry May Hold The Key To Better Health

Researchers have identified a gene that promotes muscle strength when switched on by physical activity, unlocking the potential for the development of therapeutic treatments to mimic some of the benefits of working out. Published in Cell Metabolism, the University of Melbourne-led study showed how different types of exercise change the molecules in our muscles, resulting …

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Surprising Benefits That Coffee May Have

Caffeine May Help Stave Off Age Related Cognitive Deficits

Most people like coffee, about 62% of Americans drink coffee on a daily basis, and as a whole around the globe over 2.25 billion cups of coffee are consumed every day. Studies on coffee show it to have both negative and positive effects on health, some believe it does more harm while some believe the …

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New Understanding Of How Molecules Regulate An Enzyme Holds Promise

New Understanding Of How Molecules Regulate An Enzyme Holds Promise

A new understanding of how molecules affect the activity of an enzyme holds promise that could potentially lead to targets for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases and cancers.   Researchers at the Tohoku University are using cell culture studies along with gene silencing techniques to investigate how molecules regulate the enzyme known as ASK1 called …

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Sports Participation May Lower Breast Cancer Risk

Sports Participation May Lower Breast Cancer Risk

Engaging in sports for more than an hour day may reduce the risk of contracting breast cancer, regardless of  women’s age and weight. A number of previous studies report that physical activity exerts a protective role in a number of cancers.  Mathieu Boniol, from the International Prevention Research Institute (France), and colleagues completed a meta-analysis …

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Drugs May Cut Need for Preventive Cancer Surgery

Drugs May Cut Need for Preventive Cancer Surgery

Currently available drugs may help women at high risk of breast and ovarian cancers avoid the need for radical preventive surgery. Approximately one in 1,000 women is known to carry the BRCA1 mutation, which dramatically increases their risk of developing breast and ovarian cancers. At present, radical preventive surgery (double mastectomy and oophorectomy) is the …

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Innovations in Cancer Therapy via Specialized Nanoparticles

Innovations in Cancer Therapy via Specialized Nanoparticles

Concept utilizes nanoparticles that concentrate and expand in the presence of higher acidity found in tumor cells. Purdue University (Indiana, USA) researchers have developed a concept to potentially improve delivery of drugs for cancer treatment using nanoparticles that concentrate and expand in the presence of higher acidity found in tumor cells.  The concept involves using …

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