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International research teams explore genetic effects of Chernobyl radiation

Fukushima & Chernobyl: Inherent Risks Of Using Nuclear Energy

In two landmark studies, researchers have used cutting-edge genomic tools to investigate the potential health effects of exposure to ionizing radiation, a known carcinogen, from the 1986 accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in northern Ukraine. One study found no evidence that radiation exposure to parents resulted in new genetic changes being passed from …

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FDA Request Immediate Recall On Zantac

FDA Request Immediate Recall On Zantac

The US FDA is requesting that manufacturers pull all prescription and over the counter ranitidine drugs known by the brand name Zantac from the market immediately, noting contaminant issues. The ongoing investigation has determined that levels of a contaminant in the popular heartburn medications increases over time, and when stored at higher than normal temperatures …

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Vitamin C May Prevent Cell Damage Caused By Toxins In Water

Toxic Contaminants Found In California’s Tap Water

Hexavalent chromium is a heavy metal with many industrial applications and is part of chemicals employed in carbon and stainless steel welding, iron and steel foundries, cement, electroplating, and textile dyeing, unfortunately traces of this toxic compound are increasingly being found as widespread water contaminants. Compounds within hexavalent chromium are considered occupational carcinogens by the …

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Burnt Toast May Be More Toxic Than Traffic Fumes

Lead Exposure

University of Texas researchers have found burnt toast to be especially harmful, and suggest to always go for the light golden colour, as published in the journal Atmosphere. A mockup of a three bedroom home was built and equipped with monitors to assess how everyday activities impact air quality; frying and roasting was found to …

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Clear Evidence Of Heart Tumors From Cellphone Radiation Found

Smartphone Addiction May Cause Brain Imbalance

Government studies have found clear evidence of heart tumors from cellphone radiation. Cellphones were classified as Group 2B possible carcinogens in the 2011 International Agency for Research on Cancer, based in evidence showing that EMF radiation from cell phones can trigger abnormal cell growth and tumors. Just as smoking, as it turns out this may …

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Blood Pressure Medication Recall

Blood Pressure Medication Recall

The FDA has issued a nationwide recall for Losartan and Valsartan blood pressure medications due to possible cancer concerns. The recall notice extends from distributors to the consumer level, and can be viewed at : The blood pressure medication Losartan Potassium and Hydrochlorothiazide is being pulled from the shelves as it could contain …

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The Cell Phone & Cancer Connection

The Cell Phone & Cancer Connection

Saliva from people who use cell phones as little as eight hours a month show increases in markers that correlate to potential cancer risk. Currently, cell phones are classified as carcinogenic category 2b — potentially carcinogenic to humans — by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC).  Among those in the scientific community, there …

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Cancer Connection

Cancer Connection

The blood cancer non-Hodgkin lymphoma occurs at greater incidence in relation to proximity near petroleum refineries and manufacturing plants. Non-Hodgkin lymphoma, a blood cancer, has been on the rise over the past few decades as industrial production in the United States has expanded. Benzene is one chemical carcinogen linked to blood cancers. Catherine Bulka, from …

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