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Is There Still a Role for Niacin in the Treatment of Dyslipidemias?

Meat is a source of niacin which may treat Dyslipidemias.

Niacin for Dyslipidemias? The news cycle recently is full of headlines connecting high levels of niacin to coronary heart disease through pathways of accelerated inflammation based on a new study from the Cleveland Clinic Foundation. Although many clinicians have abandoned the use of niacin in practice, there are many theoretical and trial based arguments for …

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Medical Yoga Therapy

Medical Yoga Therapy

Medical yoga therapy is the use of yoga for the prevention and treatment of medical conditions which incorporates appropriate breathing techniques, mindfulness, and meditation to help achieve maximum benefits beyond the physical elements of yoga. Yoga has been shown by several studies to positively impact the body and mind in many ways such as helping …

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Heart Disease Triples Risk of Cognitive Impairment


Cardiac disease is an independent risk factor for mild cognitive impairments presaging vascular dementia, among older women. Mild cognitive impairment represents a key diagnostic/prognostic threshold for dementia. Impairment associated with memory loss (amnestic) has been hypothesized as having a predilection toward progression to Alzheimer’s disease. In contrast, non-amnestic mild cognitive impairment may preferentially progress to …

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How Yoga Eases Stress

How Yoga Eases Stress

New insights in to the biological pathway by which yoga may be effective for stress-related medical conditions including depression, anxiety, high blood pressure and cardiac disease. Previous studies have suggested that yoga helps to improve stress-related nervous system imbalances.  Chris Streeter, from Boston University School of Medicine (Massachusetts, USA), and colleagues submit a neurophysiological theory …

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