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You May Be Exercising At Home Without Realizing It

Long-lasting Disinfectant Promises to Help Fight Pandemics

Those of us who are not athletes, don’t have the drive, or are lacking in time can find it difficult to fit in exercise. Even if you are in any of these categories that doesn’t mean that working on your health via fitness is out of the question, in fact, you may be exercising and …

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How Exploring South Africa's Outdoors Can Boost Your Physical Fitness and Overall Health

How Exploring South Africa's Outdoors Can Boost Your Physical Fitness and Overall Health

In today’s fast-paced, technology-driven world, it’s easy to spend most of our time indoors. However, as human beings, we have an innate need to be outdoors and connect with nature. Whether it’s a walk in the park or a hike in the mountains, spending time outdoors can benefit our physical, mental, and emotional health.  This …

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Sweat Equity: Exercising For Longevity

Sweat Equity: Exercising For Longevity

Physical activity can help you to live a longer and healthier life, there’s a growing body of evidence that suggests both strength training and cardio are equally important to longevity and that a mix of both aerobic and strength training provides the most benefits to health.  A study recently published in the British Journal of …

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Tips for Enjoying Outdoor Activities as Summer Arrives

Top Adventure Sports For A Change Of Routine

Biking is one of many great ways to maintain your readiness and stay fit while enjoying the outdoors with friends and family. In the summer, remember to wear proper attire and have plenty of water, sun protection, and bug spray with you. With summer officially arriving in the Northern Hemisphere, it’s time to get outside. …

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Anxiety Effectively Treated With Exercise

Study reveals brain cells that sustain or suppress fearful memories

The study, now published in the Journal of Affective Disorders, is based on 286 patients with anxiety syndrome, recruited from primary care services in Gothenburg and the northern part of Halland County. Half of the patients had lived with anxiety for at least ten years. Their average age was 39 years, and 70 percent were …

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Type Of Exercises Affects Hormones Differently

Type Of Exercises Affects Hormones Differently

Cardio exercises and strength training affect the body differently with regards to types of hormones released into the blood, such as cardio exercises produces a greater amount of metabolic hormone FGF21 than strength training does, as published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation–Insight. Regardless of what form of exercise done it is done to improve …

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Exercise: Closest Thing To A Free Miracle Anti-Aging Drug Available

Lowering Risk Of Heart Disease With Exercise

Anyone looking for an all natural way to improve moods, memory, and help protect the body and mind against decline that comes along with aging should consider the benefits of simply getting moving. Exercise is just as good for the head as it is for the heart. Exercising will get the heart pumping, sweat flowing, …

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Heart Attack Gene Triggers Clot Formation

Heart Attack Gene Triggers Clot Formation

Research shows that the so-called heart attack gene MRP-14 triggers the formation of blood clots. New research may have paved the way for future treatments targeting the so-called heart attack gene, myeloid related protein-14 (MRP-14). Daniel I Simon, MD, the Herman K Hellerstein Professor of Cardiovascular Research and Medicine at Case Western Reserve University School …

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Bariatric Surgery Cuts Risk of Dying

Bariatric Surgery Cuts Risk of Dying

Bariatric surgery can dramatically reduce an obese person’s risk of all-cause mortality and nearly halve their risk of heart attack and stroke. Gastric banding and other forms of bariatric surgery can dramatically reduce an obese person’s risk of heart attack, according to recent study results. Dr Yoon Loke from the University of East Anglia’s Norwich …

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Polluted Air Affects Heart Physiology

Polluted Air Affects Heart Physiology

Traffic-related air pollution associates with changes in right ventricular structure and function. A number of previous studies warn of long-term ill effects of air pollution on human health.  Peter Leary, MD, MS, from the University of Washington Medical Center (Washington, USA), and colleagues analyzed data collected on 3,896 men and women, who did not have …

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