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DNA Endcaps May Predict Cardiovascular Risk


The length of telomeres, sections of DNA that cap the ends of chromosomes, may associate with the risk of cardiovascular death or heart attack. Telomeres are sections of DNA that cap the ends of chromosomes, protecting them from damage and the loss of cell functions associated with aging. Christian T. Ruff, from Brigham and Women’s …

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High Cortisol Levels Increase Risk of Cardiovascular Death


High levels of the stress hormone cortisol have been found to significantly increase the risk of dying from cardiovascular disease. Nicole Vogelzangs, PhD, of VU University Medical Center in the Netherlands, and colleagues, evaluated data obtained from 861 people aged 65 and older who took part in a prospective cohort study. Urinary cortisol levels were …

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Eating Bran Lowers Risk of Cardiovascular Death in Diabetics

Eating Bran Lowers Risk of Cardiovascular Death in Diabetics

Women with type 2 diabetes may be able to lower their risk of dying from cardiovascular disease by adding bran, a key component of whole grain foods, to their diet. Eating plenty of bran-containing whole-grain foods may help diabetics to reduce their risk of dying from cardiovascular disease. Lu Qi, M.D., Ph.D., and colleagues studied …

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