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Girls Are Getting Their First Periods Earlier

Girls Are Getting Their First Periods Earlier

Research suggests that girls are getting their first periods (menarche) earlier than ever before, especially those from minorities and lower-income backgrounds according to a study recently published in JAMA Network Open conducted by Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, and Apple. The study also found that in …

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New study reveals latest data on global burden of cardiovascular disease

New study reveals latest data on global burden of cardiovascular disease

Global death counts due to cardiovascular disease (CVD) increased from 12.4 million in 1990 to 19.8 million in 2022, reflecting global population growth and aging and the contributions from preventable metabolic, environmental and behavioral risks, according to the newest Global Burden of Disease (GBD) special report published in JACC. The report provides an update of …

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USA Ranks High For Obesity, Diabetes And Heart Disease

USA Ranks High For Obesity, Diabetes And Heart Disease

American may be leading the world in reported COVID-19 deaths for several reasons which includes being one of the largest countries and because it is among the least healthy nations among comparable nations when it comes to health related conditions such as obesity, diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease.  Alex Azar who is the Health and …

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Is Coconut Oil As Healthy As Marketed?

Is Coconut Oil As Healthy As Marketed?

According to some human nutrition experts coconut oil does not live up the all the hype of the health halo it has been adorned with, not that it is not better than some choices such as highly processed vegetable oils, but others may be better like olive oil. Coconut oil enjoys being touted as a …

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Drinking Tea May Help To Improve Brain Health

Drinking Tea May Help To Improve Brain Health

After examining neuroimaging data from 36 older adults, collaborative research from the National University of Singapore, University of Essex and the University of Cambridge suggests that regular tea drinkers have better organized brain regions which is associated with healthy cognitive function.  “Our results offer the first evidence of positive contribution of tea drinking to brain …

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Reason For Taking A Nap May Have Been Made Even Better

Reason For Taking A Nap May Have Been Made Even Better

Naps are great, it’s hard to find a better form of self care than a midday snooze or afternoon siesta. Despite the feeling of being re-energized many people deprive themselves of taking a nap on a regular basis. Maybe people think of naps as being just for children or it is just a luxury reserved …

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Japanese Plant May Boost Cellular Health & Prevent Aging

Japanese Plant May Boost Cellular Health & Prevent Aging

Ancient Japanese believed the Ashitaba plant leaves could cure several ailments, as such the plant played an important role in traditional medicines to treat ailments such as heartburn, high blood pressure, gout, hay fever, constipation, and stomach ulcer.  This herb native to Japan has been shown by modern science to have health benefits, and according …

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Plant Based Diets May Reduce Risk Of Cardiovascular Death

Plant Based Diets May Reduce Risk Of Cardiovascular Death

Mounting bodies of evidence suggest that eating more plant based foods and less animal sources may contribute to a healthy heart and cardiovascular system, as well as being good for the planet.  Recent research has found that eating more plant based foods can cut the risk for heart failure by 40%, and another found that …

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Reducing Saturated Fats Lowers Blood Cholesterol & Risk Of CVD

Plaque Stabilizing Combo

Here we have it, the Queen has spoken; a study published by the Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition on the role of saturated fats and health has concluded that reducing saturated fat intake lowers blood cholesterol and risk of cardiovascular disease, and there is no need to change current advice.  This comprehensive review was based …

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Longevity Gene Protein May Offer Extended Healthier Lives

Longevity Gene Protein May Offer Extended Healthier Lives

Becoming a longevity warrior and living to 100+ is much more likely for those who have inherited the longevity gene, but according to a new study investigating the specific protein in that gene which reverses cardiovascular aging, one day anyone may be able to become a centenarian.  As published in the European Heart Journal the …

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