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Healthy Diet & Exercise Yield Long-Term Benefits for Diabetes

Healthy Diet & Exercise Yield Long-Term Benefits for Diabetes

Among people with type-2 diabetes, healthy diet options and regular physical activity improve blood glucose control and cardiovascular risk factors. Previous studies have shown that lifestyle interventions can produce short-term improvements in blood glucose levels and cardiovascular disease risk factors in individuals with type-2 diabetes. The Look AHEAD (Action for Health in Diabetes) Research Group …

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Unpleasant Personality Raises Stroke Risk


People with antagonistic or disagreeable personalities have vascular abnormalities that may make them more prone to stroke. While there is evidence linking antagonistic personalities to cardiovascular events, Angelina R. Sutin, from the US National Institute on Aging (Maryland, USA), and colleagues assessed the role of negative personality traits as intermediate markers of cardiovascular disease.   The …

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