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Scientists Discover Cancer Trigger That Could Spur Targeted Drug Therapies

Scientists Discover Cancer Trigger That Could Spur Targeted Drug Therapies

Researchers at the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory have definitively linked the function of a specific domain of proteins important in plant-microbe biology to a cancer trigger in humans, knowledge that had eluded scientists for decades. The team’s findings, published in Nature Communications Biology, open up a new avenue for the development of …

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Gene Editing Gets Safer Thanks To Redesigned Cas9 Protein

Bio-Dual Core Human Cells

Scientists have redesigned a key component of a widely used CRISPR-based gene-editing tool, called Cas9, to be thousands of times less likely to target the wrong stretch of DNA while remaining just as efficient as the original version, making it potentially much safer. One of the grand challenges with using CRISPR-based gene editing on humans …

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