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Common CBD Myths Debunked

CBD, which stands for cannabidiol, is much more than just another trend. Now, CBD is recognized by the FDA as a suitable treatment for seizures. For some people, this compound can help ease anxiety and has the potential to treat symptoms of anxiety-related conditions like PTSD. However, now that CBD is popular, there are several …

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Stressed Out Of Sleep Stats

Stressed Out Of Sleep Stats

According to a random double opt-in survey involving 2000 general population adult Americans conducted by OnePoll on behalf of Cornbread Hemp, America has become a sleep-deprived society, with the average adult struggling with 113 bad nights of sleep a year, only getting a perfect night of sleep 132 times a year and averaging 120 good …

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Harnessing the Power of THCA: A Guide to Its Potential and Legality

Harnessing the Power of THCA: A Guide to Its Potential and Legality

Tetrahydrocannabinolic acid (THCA) is a non-intoxicating cannabinoid found in raw cannabis with a growing interest in its potential medicinal properties, such as anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective effects. As the precursor to THC, THCA does not produce a “high” but exists in a complex legal space closely tied to cannabis regulation. This article examines the emerging benefits …

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CBD and CBG May Promote Bone Fracture Healing And Manage Pain

Jones Fractures May Be More Stable With Metal Plates

Global estimates are that more than 178 million people suffer from bone fracture injuries annually. According to Reyad Elbarbary, the corresponding author of this study, and associate professor of orthopedics and rehabilitation at Penn State College of Medicine, current methods for managing pain, which are most often nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as aspirin, are …

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CBD Shown To Possess Powerful Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Ying Yang: The Second Cannabinoid Receptor

In collaboration, researchers from the Friedrich Schiller University with colleagues from America, Austria, and Italy report having identified the mode of action underlying the anti-inflammatory effects that are demonstrated in cannabinoids, in a study taking a different look at cannabis, the traditional medicinal plant, that is described in the journal Cell Chemical Biology.  The team …

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Tips For Choose High-Quality Cannabis Products

Cannabis Can Alleviate Autism Symptoms

The cannabis market is rapidly expanding, the global market was valued at 43.72 billion USD in 2022, and Fortune Business Insights projects that it will grow to 57.18 billion in 2023 to reach 444.34 billion by 2030. Many countries are enacting cannabis-friendly legislation and policies decriminalizing its use, which explains the increasing polarity. While there …

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Cannabis May Ease “Chemo Brain” And Improve Sleep For Cancer Patients

Cannabis Can Alleviate Autism Symptoms

According to the University of Colorado Boulder, a small groundbreaking study published in the journal Exploration in Medicine describes how cancer patients who use cannabis to address their symptoms have less pain, sleep better, and experience less chemo brain fog. This study may be the first to investigate how cannabis bought over the counter at …

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Could Holistic Treatments Offer Cancer Relief?

Cancer In Those Under 50 Increasing Globally

The side effects of cancer treatment can be so severe that the cure starts to seem worse than the disease. In the search for relief, some cancer patients are turning to holistic therapies. But can these alternative methods really ease cancer side effects? Let’s take a look at some of the things that you need …

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CBD shows promise for reducing cigarette smoking

CBD shows promise for reducing cigarette smoking

Cannabidiol or CBD, a non-psychoactive component of cannabis, inhibits the metabolism of nicotine, new research has found, meaning it could help tobacco users curb the urge for that next cigarette. A team led by Washington State University researchers tested the effects of CBD and its major metabolite on human liver tissue and cell samples, showing …

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10 Natural Pain Relievers That You Should Know

Researchers Discover How Sound Reduces Pain In Mice

There are various types of pain with varying degrees of intensity. Not only do people experience pain differently, but they also deal with pain differently. Some pains are tolerable, while others are unbearable and can hinder your movements. Pains are sometimes warning signs that something is wrong with your system or body. You may be …

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