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New study reveals why HIV remains in human tissue even after antiretroviral therapy

HIV Atlas Escape Route May Lead To Vaccine

Thanks to antiretroviral therapy, HIV infection is no longer the life sentence it once was. But despite the effectiveness of drugs to manage and treat the virus, it can never be fully eliminated from the human body, lingering in some cells deep in different human tissues where it goes unnoticed by the immune system. Now, …

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Stem Cell Population Identified That Is Key for Bone Regeneration

Stem Cells May Be Universally Transplanted

Researchers from the University of Tsukuba, in collaboration with the University of Bonn, Germany, identify a subpopulation of mesenchymal stem cells with enhanced fracture healing and differentiation abilities. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are thought to have great potential in the field of regenerative medicine, which has the aim of restoring damaged tissues. However, not much …

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