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What Are The Most Common Gastrointestinal Disorders?

Some Of The Best/Worst Foods For Your Tummy

With symptoms ranging from fatigue to abdominal pain and discomfort, gastrointestinal disorders can present differently on a patient-by-patient basis, making these common conditions challenging to diagnose. An estimated 60-70 million Americans suffer from gastrointestinal (GI) disorders, in many cases unknowingly. Recent research published in Gastroenterology reports that over 40% of the global population has a …

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Gluten But Not Free

Diet Study Suggests It's Carbs, Not Fats, That Are Bad for You

For those with celiac disease, which is an autoimmune condition triggered by gluten intolerance that affects about 1% of healthy average Americans, gluten-free foods such as nuts, seeds, grains and starches are beneficial.  A recent review published in the NFS Journal has shown that regular consumption of gluten-free products as part of a gluten-free diet …

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