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Cell division: Before commitment, a very long engagement

Cell division: Before commitment, a very long engagement

Before a cell commits fully to the process of dividing itself into two new cells, it may ensure the appropriateness of its commitment by staying for many hours — sometimes more than a day — in a reversible intermediate state, according to a discovery by researchers at Weill Cornell Medicine. Their revelation of this fundamental …

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Study May Help Stop Cancer From Occurring

Gene Therapy Restoring Hand Function

Autophagy is the natural process of reusing damaged parts of cells for repair and regeneration, a new study from Salk Institute has revealed autophagy may stop the formation of undying cancer cells.  When the researchers were evaluating potential links between telomeres and the risk of cancer they discovered that telomeres act as end caps on …

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Decline Of Muscular Function With Age


  Muscular function declines with age, this study shows how unexpected high numbers of mutations in stem cells of muscles impair cell regeneration, which may result in new therapies to build stronger muscles even in the elderly, as published in Nature Communications.   The fact that the natural process of aging impairs functions of skeletal …

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