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Brain Cell Activity Plays Critical Role In Central Nervous System Disorder Outcomes

How Some Gut Microbes Awaken 'Zombie' Viruses In Their Neighbors

Investigators at Cedars-Sinai have comprehensively mapped molecular activity in the brain and spinal cord that is responsible for regulating the body’s response to central nervous system (CNS) disorders such as Alzheimer’s, Huntington’s disease, and spinal cord injuries. The research focused on cellular changes in astrocytes, a specialized support cell type in the brain and spinal …

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Discovery raises possibility of new medication for Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s

Discovery raises possibility of new medication for Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s

Researchers from Oregon Health & Science University have for the first time demonstrated it’s possible to use a synthetic thyroid hormone to regulate a gene implicated in neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and multiple sclerosis. The findings from tests in cells and mice, published today in the journal Cell Chemical Biology, raise the possibility of …

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A Promising New Pathway To Treating Type 2 Diabetes

Painless Patch For Management Of Type 2 Diabetes

According to the Centers for Disease Control, diabetes affects 34.2 million Americans. An additional 88 million people over the age of 18 are prediabetic, or at risk of developing diabetes. This year marks the 100th anniversary of the discovery of insulin, a scientific breakthrough that transformed Type 1 diabetes, once known as juvenile diabetes or …

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Plasticisers: Biologists investigate the effects of bisphenols on nerve cells

Plasticisers: Biologists investigate the effects of bisphenols on nerve cells

The plasticisers contained in many everyday objects can impair important brain functions in humans. Biologists from the University of Bayreuth warn of this danger in an article in Communications Biology. Their study shows that even small amounts of the plasticisers bisphenol A and bisphenol S disrupt the transmission of signals between nerve cells in the …

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The Gut Trains The Immune System To Protect The Brain

The Gut Trains The Immune System To Protect The Brain

The membranes surrounding our brains are in a never-ending battle against deadly infections, as germs constantly try to elude watchful immune cells and sneak past a special protective barrier called the meninges. In a study involving mice and human autopsy tissue, researchers at the National Institutes of Health and Cambridge University have shown that some …

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Partially Reversing Cognitive Decline

Defending Against Prion Diseases

In a compelling demonstration researchers show the degree to which dysfunctional microglia contribute to age related neurodegeneration using a pharmacological approach to vastly deplete aged microglial population to allow it to recover naturally, as published in Aging Cell. Influx of new microglia was observed to improved many aspects of brain function, although the procedure did …

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