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Study Finds That Brain Changes In Autism Are Far More Sweeping Than Previously Known

Social Behaviors May Be Restored With Autism Therapy

Brain changes in autism are comprehensive throughout the cerebral cortex rather than just particular areas thought to affect social behavior and language, according to a new UCLA-led study that significantly refines scientists’ understanding of how autism spectrum disorder (ASD) progresses at the molecular level. The study, published in Nature, represents a comprehensive effort to characterize …

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Researchers take steps toward next-generation brain-computer interface systems

Brain-computer Interface Based On Mutual Learning

A new kind of neural interface system that coordinates the activity of hundreds of tiny brain sensors could one day deepen the understanding of the brain and lead to new medical therapies.  Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) are emerging assistive devices that may one day help people with brain or spinal injuries to move or communicate. BCI …

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Curcumin Helping To Prevent Fluoride Induced Damage In The Brain

Curcumin Helping To Prevent Fluoride Induced Damage In The Brain

Unfortunately fluoride can be found just about everywhere today from drinking water to antibiotics, no stick pans, salt, and toothpaste, making exposure to it somewhat inevitable. The exposure makes research providing a way to help prevent and limit damage from it important. The topic has been subject of many academic debates for decades, and is …

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