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Engagement In The Arts May Extend Longevity

Keeping your brain active in old age has always been a smart idea, but a new study suggests that reading, writing letters and playing card games or puzzles in later life may delay the onset of Alzheimer’s dementia by up to five years. The research is published in the July 14, 2021, online issue of …

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Exercises To Boost Memory

Engagement In The Arts May Extend Longevity

Keeping your brain as healthy and fit as your body is important, simply learning new things can be one of the best ways to help improve brain health.  With age humans not only lose muscle over time, the brain can atrophy as well, specifically the cognitive reserve, which is the ability to withstand neurological damage …

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Hit A Plateau On Your Fitness Path???

Hit A Plateau On Your Fitness Path???

Article courtesy of Dr. Nicholas DiNubile, Vice President of the A4M, an orthopedic surgeon specializing in sports medicine, best selling author, keynote speaker, and one of our medical editors who is dedicated to keeping you healthy in body, mind and spirit. “Insanity: continuing to do the same thing expecting different results” -Albert Einstein It shouldn’t …

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New Health Study Validates Diet App's Cash Payout Paradigm

New Health Study Validates Diet App's Cash Payout Paradigm

Article Courtesy of Merilee Kern, MBA. Findings uncover that social gamification + competition increases physical activity among overweight and obese adults—both key components of’s monetary reward-driven wellness contests for individuals and corporate/team-based weight loss challenges According to new study findings published by JAMA Internal Medicine, behavioral economics-based gamification led to “significantly” increased physical activity …

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IMC Has Taken The First Step To Challenge The FDA

IMC Has Taken The First Step To Challenge The FDA

The Drug Quality and Security Act,(DQSA) an amendment to the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act was signed into law in 2013. This act gives the federal government authority over the practice of compounding by pharmacists or physicians. Prior to this, the professional activities in health care were subject to only state regulation rather than …

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FDA Lifts Ban On GE Frankenfish

Salmon May Be Infested With Japanese Tapeworm

Ban on a brand of genetically modified salmon after Congress blocked the frankenfish from import to the USA until the agency finished labeling guidelines to inform consumers about what they are eating has been lifted by the US FDA. The genetically modified fish are the creation of Massachusetts based biotech AquaBounty Technologies. Using a growth …

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Cognitive Fitness

Cognitive Fitness

To paraphrase one of the most moving statements I have heard, this one is from Dr. Ron Klatz: The goal to anti-aging medicine isn’t simply to reach your 90s and beyond, rather to remain as healthy, independent, and mentally sharp as possible through the aging process, to have the time to enjoy spending it with …

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