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International research teams explore genetic effects of Chernobyl radiation

Fukushima & Chernobyl: Inherent Risks Of Using Nuclear Energy

In two landmark studies, researchers have used cutting-edge genomic tools to investigate the potential health effects of exposure to ionizing radiation, a known carcinogen, from the 1986 accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in northern Ukraine. One study found no evidence that radiation exposure to parents resulted in new genetic changes being passed from …

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Fukushima & Chernobyl: Inherent Risks Of Using Nuclear Energy

Fukushima & Chernobyl: Inherent Risks Of Using Nuclear Energy

Japan’s Fukushima nuclear radioactive disaster leaked over 300 tons of radioactive water into the ground and over 15,000 terabecquerels of radioactive materials to the ocean. Since the disaster between 20-40 trillion additional becquerels of radioactive tritium has leaked into the ocean, another 300 tons into the ground from the latest storage tank and the damaged …

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