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Chest Pain: When Should You Consult A Doctor?

World Health 10 Part Healthy Heart Series: Part VI

Experiencing a chest pain doesn’t necessarily mean having a heart attack. That is because heart diseases can be of several kinds and quite crucial for your health. Not all pains signify a heart attack but they can lead to one. And that is why one must be fully aware of the healthy lifestyle choices and …

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5 Less Common Symptoms of Asthma

5 New Regions of the Genome that Increase Risk of Asthma Discovered

Wheezing, tightness in the chest, and trouble catching your breath are the all too common symptoms of Asthma mostknown by the general public. However there several other symptoms which may go unheeded that can lead toserious problems with asthma if not treated in a timely fashion. Wheezing, tightness in the chest, and trouble catching your …

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