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What Are Common Risks And Impacts Of Missing Teeth?

Overbite Teeth: Related Health Issues, Types, & 8 Common Causes

There are several causes behind missing teeth – gum disease, severe tooth decay, genetics, or a serious injury. It can get hard to believe that this dental problem is a common condition in people’s lives. According to statistics, it is so common that an average American has lost 12 teeth, including wisdom teeth, by the …

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Chewing To Stay Slim: How To Savor Your Food Better And Dodge Weight Gain Too

Pasta And Weight Loss

Chewing well helps in digestion. Chewing is also known to help prevent obesity, possibly by increasing the thermic effect of food consumption. But the factors behind this heat-generating effect of chewing remain less explored. A new study has revealed that oral stimuli, which are linked with the duration of tasting liquid food in the mouth, …

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Chewing Difficulties Foretell Dementia


People who have difficulty chewing hard foods are at significantly higher risk of cognitive impairments. A number of previous studies suggest an association between not having teeth and loss of cognitive function and a higher risk of dementia. Mats Trulsson, from Karolinska Institutet (Sweden), and colleagues assessed tooth loss, chewing ability and cognitive function in …

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