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Chili Peppers Might Help To Reduce The Risk Of Death

Chili Peppers Do More Than Spice Up Food

According to a report published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology the regular consumption of hot chilli peppers is associated with a lower risk of dying from cardiovascular disease or any cause, independent of CVD risk factors or adherence to a Mediterranean style diet.  “The epidemiological evidence on chillies’ benefit on health …

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A Spicy Diet May Be Linked To Dementia

A Spicy Diet May Be Linked To Dementia

The next time you are thinking about getting that really spicy dish you may want to rethink it as a recent long term international study has found that a spicy diet can lead to dementia, as published in the journal Nutrients.   “Chili consumption was found to be beneficial for body weight and blood pressure in …

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Chili Pepper Compound Helps to Fight Fat

Chili Pepper Compound Helps to Fight Fat

Capsaicin, the compound that gives chili peppers their heat, exerts molecular changes at the protein level, that may help to promote weight loss. While capsaicin has been studied for potential benefits in fighting obesity, the underlying molecular mechanism by which the chili pepper compound has been  observed to decrease calorie intake, shrink fat tissue, and …

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