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Coronavirus Infections May Be Going Undetected

CDC Expert Says Coronavirus Is Not Controllable & Will Spread

A new study from Imperial College London researchers based at the W.H.O Collaborating Centre for Infectious Disease Analysis, and J-IDEA-Abdul Latif Jameel Institute for Disease and Emergency Analytics suggests that nearly two thirds of new cases of COVID-19 have gone undetected.  Sangeeta Bhatia, author of the 6th report explained in a statement that, “We compared …

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Are Officials In China Downplaying Infection Numbers?

Are Officials In China Downplaying Infection Numbers?

Some agencies are reporting that officials in China are keeping two sets of coronavirus infections numbers: a set they let the public see, and the actual numbers. Recently this infectious disease has been spreading globally, and experts have been warning that China has been significantly understating the true numbers of infections and deaths caused by …

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Corona Virus 2020: A Global Pandemic?

Corona Virus 2020: A Global Pandemic?

Article courtesy of: Carol Petersen RPh CNP Influenza (flu) is defined as an acute, commonly epidemic disease, occurring in several forms, caused by numerous rapidly mutating viral strains and characterized by respiratory symptoms and general prostration. (1)  The flu has a major impact on the lungs. Colds start in the nose and upper respiratory tract. …

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Novel Coronavirus Cases Confirmed To Be Spreading

Identifying Virus Structures To Attack With Killer T Cells

The first two coronavirus cases in Europe have been detected in France, and a second case has been confirmed in America as China expands its efforts to control its outbreak.  Travel bans have been put in place and extended from central China to effectively put tens of millions of people in local lockdown. The virus …

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New York City Being Sued For Making Vaccine Mandatory


5 Brooklyn mothers, identified by using only initials, have filed a lawsuit against New York City saying the arbitrary state of emergency order and threat of $1000.00 fine or 6 months in jail is unlawful, anti-Semitic, and totalitarian; they are accusing Mayor Bill de Blasio of unlawfully targeting the Jewish community. Attorney Robert F Kennedy …

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La organización mundial de la salud indica que el cáncer es la principal causa de muerte en el mundo. El cáncer no elige víctima. Los pacientes con esta enfermedad se ubican tanto en oriente como en occidente. Por eso, miles de especialistas enfocan sus estudios en detectar tratamientos efectivos contra la enfermedad.  China ha dado …

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An Unwanted Import

An Unwanted Import

Air pollution from China now travels across the Pacific Ocean to threaten the United States. A persistent health concern in China, as much as 36% of air pollutants in the nation in 2006 were attributable to production processes of goods for export – with as much as 20% of that specifically linked to US-China trade.  …

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North China Pollution Shaves 5+ Years Off Life Expectancy

North China Pollution Shaves 5+ Years Off Life Expectancy

China’s air pollution toll, has cut life expectancy for the residents of that region by five and a half years. Credible estimates as early as two decades ago have put the annual death toll from air pollution in China as high as 1 million lives lost.  The situation is most grave in the severely afflicted …

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