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The Top 6 Nutrients for Brain Longevity

The Top 6 Nutrients for Brain Longevity

Did you know brain health is one of the strongest indicators of longevity? And that of all the factors affecting brain function, nutrition may have an even more significant impact than most? What we eat can affect memory, mood, ability to think clearly, and how long the brain operates at optimal levels. Healthy brain aging …

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Study Links Gut Microbiome And Aggressive Prostate Cancer

Drug For Tapeworm May Fight Prostate And Colon Cancer

Cleveland Clinic researchers have shown for the first time that diet-associated molecules in the gut are associated with aggressive prostate cancer, suggesting dietary interventions may help reduce risk. Findings from the study were published in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention. While more research will be necessary, the study’s lead author Nima Sharifi, M.D., says findings …

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Study offers an explanation for why the APOE4 gene enhances Alzheimer’s risk

First Alzheimer’s Disease Blood Test Available

One of the most significant genetic risk factors for developing Alzheimer’s disease is a gene called APOE4, which is carried by almost half of all Alzheimer’s patients. A new study from MIT shows that this gene has widespread effects on brain cells’ ability to metabolize lipids and respond to stress. In studies of human brain …

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Removing Damaged Mitochondria Helps With Chronic Inflammatory Disease

Temperature Impact On Mitochondrial DNA Evolution

By forcing cells to eliminate damaged mitochondria before they activate NLRP3 inflammasome University of California researchers have discovered an approach that may help to treat patients with some chronic inflammatory diseases, as published in Cell Metabolism. Immune cells employ NLRP3 inflammasome molecules to keep tabs on inflammation, this is inactive in healthy cells, but when …

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Chewable Choline Choices

Chewable Choline Choices

Making sure that your body gets enough choline is important for many basic structures and processes within the body, and helps to keep the metabolism in check. Choline is a water soluble essential nutrient that often gets grouped into the B-vitamin complex.   Choline represents an important structural element of fats and has an important …

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Choline Dietary Guidelines Insufficient

Choline Dietary Guidelines Insufficient

The amount of choline needed by people varies significantly and is dependent upon their gender, life stage, race and ethnicity. New research suggests that current dietary guidelines for the essential nutrient choline need an overhaul. Kerry-Ann da Costa Ph.D., a researcher at the Department of Nutrition at the University of North Carolina, and colleagues analyzed …

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“Nutrient Cocktail” Improves Alzheimer-Related Memory Decline

“Nutrient Cocktail” Improves Alzheimer-Related Memory Decline

A blend of choline, uridine, and docohexaenoic acid (DHA) serves as precursor to lipid molecules essential for forming and maintaining membranes of brain cells. Men and women afflicted by Alzheimer’s Disease display loss of synapses – connections between brain cells, leading to memory loss and other cognitive impairments.  Richard Wurtman, from Massachusetts Institute of Technology …

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Choline in Pregnancy May Reduce Child's Risk of Hypertension and Diabetes in Adulthood


Eating a choline-rich diet during pregnancy may help mothers to reduce their child’s risk of developing high blood pressure and/or diabetes in adulthood. Recent study results have highlighted the importance of eating a healthy diet in pregnancy. Marie Caudill, associate professor of nutritional sciences at Cornell University and colleagues investigated the effect on maternal intake …

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Choline Helps to Protect from Brain Aging

Choline Helps to Protect from Brain Aging

Increased dietary intake of choline –  found in green leafy vegetables, fish, peanuts, organ meat, soybeans and other foods – may improve cognitive performance and protect against memory loss. Choline is an essential nutrient that is utilized by the body to manufacture neurotransmitters and cell membrane constituents.  Choline is found in green leafy vegetables, fish, …

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