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Study Suggests Glucosamine May Reduce Overall Death Rates

Anti-Aging Drugs Could Be On The Market In The Next 5 Years

According to an epidemiological study published in the Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine from West Virginia University, glucosamine supplements may reduce overall mortality just about as well as regular exercise does.  “Does this mean that if you get off work at five o’clock one day, you should just skip the gym, take …

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Glucosamine/Chondroitin and Mortality

Lipoic Acid Supplements May Help Some Obese People Lose Weight

Epidemiological research from West Virginia University finds glucosamine/chondroitin supplements may reduce overall mortality as well as regular exercise does.  Glucosamine with chondroitin is a widely used combination supplement used to treat osteoarthritis and joint pain and it is available without a prescription in the United States. Both glucosamine and chondroitin are natural compounds found in …

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Glucosamine + Chondroitin Benefits Knee Pain

Glucosamine + Chondroitin Benefits Knee Pain

Daily supplementation of glucosamine with chondroitin reduces joint space narrowing. The combination of glucosamine with chondroitin has been shown in a number of previous studies to improve joint pain. Australian researchers involved in the Long-Term Evaluation of Glucosamine Sulfate (LEGS) study report that daily doses of 1500 mg of glucosamine sulfate along with 800 mg …

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Joint Health Supplements May Guard Against Colorectal Cancer

Joint Health Supplements May Guard Against Colorectal Cancer

Glucosamine and chondroitin may help to lower a person’s risk of colorectal cancer. Commonly taken as dietary supplements to support joint health, glucosamine and chondroitin each exert anti-inflammatory effects. E. D. Kantor, from the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center (Washington, USA), and colleagues examined data collected on 75,137 subjects, ages 50 to 76 years, enrolled …

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Chondroitin Alleviates Pain & Improves Function in Hand Arthritis


Six months of chondroitin supplementation can significantly alleviate pain and improve function among patients with hand osteoarthritis. More than half of people older than 60 experience hand osteoarthritis (OA), but the therapeutic options are few and data on the efficacy of these therapies are scarce.  Cem Gabay from the University of Geneva School of Medicine …

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