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You May Be Exercising At Home Without Realizing It

Long-lasting Disinfectant Promises to Help Fight Pandemics

Those of us who are not athletes, don’t have the drive, or are lacking in time can find it difficult to fit in exercise. Even if you are in any of these categories that doesn’t mean that working on your health via fitness is out of the question, in fact, you may be exercising and …

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Chores, Exercise, And Social Visits Linked To Lower Risk Of Dementia

Chores, Exercise, And Social Visits Linked To Lower Risk Of Dementia

Physical and mental activities, such as household chores, exercise, and visiting with family and friends, may help lower the risk of dementia, according to a new study published in the July 27, 2022, online issue of Neurology®, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology. The study looked at the effects of these activities, …

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To Prevent a Stroke, Household Chores and Leisurely Strolls May Help

High Homocysteine Levels May Increase Risk Of Heart Attack, Stroke, & Alzheimer’s Disease

We recently received an article from the NIH Director’s Blog on stroke prevention via exercise and lifestyle which we thought was informative, so we are sharing it in hopes that it can be helpful to others as well. The article was originally posted by Lawrence Tabak, D.D.S., Ph.D. As we get older, unfortunately, our chances …

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Most Older Adults Want To 'Age In Place' But Many Haven't Taken Steps To Help Them Do So

Frailty: Rising Global Health Burden For An Aging Society

The vast majority of people over 50 say it’s important that they keep living in their current homes for as long as possible. But a  National Poll on Healthy Aging shows many of them haven’t planned or prepared for “aging in place,” and a sizable percentage might have a hard time paying for in-home help. …

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Feeling Obligated To Help Can Harm Relationships

Feeling Obligated To Help Can Harm Relationships

Recently everyone’s world just became a whole lot smaller with social distancing as hundreds of millions of people around the globe are being either asked or ordered to stay home. During this time the healthy among us have been tasked with checking on those who are older, frailer, and those with conditions that put them …

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